
That makes me laught, how gaigin solve their problems/tickets.




And what are you trying to achieve here? Either solve it in private or deal with it. When the new module system was introduced (each ship had it’s own number of slots) I sent a ticket politely asking for a refund because I bought a ship with real money that changed drastically in a matter of days, and I got my gold back and my ship removed.


You might want to revise your manners when dealing with this kind of situations.

I see residente’s wrote a msg, but I have ignored u, so dont bother me, u are the kind of trolls I dont lose my time with.

I see residente’s wrote a msg, but I have ignored u, so dont bother me, u are the kind of trolls I dont lose my time with.


And that’s why you didn’t get back your gold, you have no manners and you can’t talk with people without losing control and looking like a whining kid. 


Now enjoy your Eagle-B.

I think this would be the minimum to pay back the GS for everybody who bought T3 GS ships in 1-2 weeks and request it personally.

The change made those ships kinda useless, and he doesn’t even had enough time to enjoy what he bought from his money.

The support have to handle the angry customers, specially if that is a loyal one.

I think this way they’ll lose more then what they win. When I wanted to get back my crew money I get almost the same answer and I was totally friendly with them in my mail.

Those ships are still very good in tourneys.

I think this would be the minimum to pay back the GS for everybody who bought T3 GS ships in 1-2 weeks and request it personally.

The change made those ships kinda useless, and he doesn’t even had enough time to enjoy what he bought from his money.

The support have to handle the angry customers, specially if that is a loyal one.

I think this way they’ll lose more then what they win. When I wanted to get back my crew money I get almost the same answer and I was totally friendly with them in my mail.

BlueSea is one of them. Customer or not, it doesn’t matter in the end, I guess.

BlueSea is one of them. Customer or not, it doesn’t matter in the end, I guess.

Im customer, I bought 2 DLC, the 2 more expensive.


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