red orange text guy

some guy called MBS has a orange/red sort of text that appears on my screen in german i think?


this is not the first time i have seen this, what he saying and what chat is that annyway, its not same as group chat color. 



oooo it is no german :lol: :lol: :lol:

The color looks like a “group chat” but you are not in a group, to me it looks like someones group chat is screwed and for w/e reason you are picking it up.

seems like i have to show you.


also game seems a bit bugged. i just killed FlinT with Piercing missiles in my long range.

what piercing missiles? lol (this was in pvp) not invasion 



maybe open space chat bug related? did you dock out?

ah nvm.

orange_1.jpg orange.jpg


ur seriously color blind Xkostyan, this chat has appeared 1-2 times before the invasion patch even came.


annyone knows what it is? its the same guy  

did you look into the logs?


since he certainly speaks in a cyrillic alphabet, it could be some important guy writing some kind of mod message?



ur seriously color blind Xkostyan,


for his defense, it’s really hard to see the difference there out of context, don’t be so unpleasant about it.

here is a bit zoom for you guys, how can u say its hard to spot the difference? also what is he saying? 




since he certainly speaks in a cyrillic alphabet, it could be some important guy writing some kind of mod message?

Believe me this ain’t mod message :lol: (it is Russian though)


ur seriously color blind Xkostyan,

It is not my fault, that after reading your intelligent posts, my brain gets swallowed and starting to push on my eyes retina from inside, causing this effect. 

mr smartass, you didn’t tell what this message was or ment or how he can write like that


he has done it before to me. thats not normal to have that color on their chat. and not even GM’s have had it, and as far as i know. i never seen error or any of those using this.


so? care to explain ?

i’ve seen that red text in global chat today. was not in a squad

i’ve seen that red text in global chat today. was not in a squad

and the players name was?


this chat appears on all chats.


if it comes in my corp chat, then its nothing about global.  its just you where using global chat at the time you saw it* 

here is a bit zoom for you guys, how can u say its hard to spot the difference?..





…, it’s really hard to see the difference there out of context, …


after u provided a second image it was different.



Believe me this ain’t mod message :lol: (it is Russian though)


also what is he saying?


curious now!



mr smartass, …


chill, bro.

and the players name was?


Albert Einstein!


1st message is a curse word implying sexual intercourse, can be related to endless things :smiley: pretty much same use as f#%k

2d “Lead them to turrets”, i would assume it has to do with Crimson Hase PvE where you have friendly turrets shooting at mobs.

idk the name, it doesnt matter

that still doesn’t explain how he used it and what sort of chat it is


because of the color


also this guy has talked to me before in this color message when im playing pvp. he comes out from nowhere all out of sudden. 

I would tell you what that might be, but then everybody would say it’s impossible to do that to server side. Probably that’s why there are at least 2 active sites (russian ones) that sell a nice, private “plugin” showing what goes on in the enemy team chat, amongst other things, that people would also say are impossible server side. One of the features is being able to type a message in any appearence possible.


Once I’ve sent a screenshot to support of one member of one of the most prominent russian-mostly corp TALKING in our team chat, when he was on the opposite one. Nobody cared though.


Lately chat was also bugged, that might also be it.


But… You saw cyrillic letters and thought it’s GERMAN? a country that uses the same alphabet as almost everyone else? Wow, that’s some serious education holes…

These things shouldn’t be possible. This is another game i don’t want to see the code of.