Recon Tutorial: Specifically SAI (Aggressive Tutorial)

Really you told me how to fit this thing !!! . . . where did I go wrong ?  And I might have to be carefull what I say but I find that Shrapnel cannon has something wrong with it.  (no i m not reporting a bug)  I just feel when I don t have my weapon directly on the target reticle the shrapnel projectile doesn’t come close to where I fired it.  Anyway with the proposed upcoming nerf to EM weapons I guess I ll have to start using it again.


I have noticed the same with gauss since a couple of patches. It seems like the aim assist on projectile weapons has been nerfed somewhat. Or maybe it is just the paket loss that is not being taken into account. Or maybe it is just an impression and my aim has worsened. I wouldn’t even know what to put in a bug report lol.

Do you play on all servers? What kind of ping are you getting when Shrapnel is mysteriously missing?


Some main weapons are usable in high ping; some are not. My gamble on Shrapnel cannon is that it’s not a high ping candidate. Wow I said weapons and gamble in one post. I’ll probably get raided in rl.

  My ping is actually pretty good compairitively.


ru 140-150

eu 80-90

us 53-54


It could be related to ping or it could just be me with horrible aim,  creating a bug would be very hard to explain as alot of players don’t have the same concerns as me.

We already talked about that issue. 2lazytofnd the topic. Btw above 150 ping or with packet loss shrapnel wuold miss a lot, i m kinda starting hating ping above 80 also but it’s just that i’m used to lesser value.


The high ping “issue” is something that you can’t fix with practice. Sometimes the shots will go wherever they wants. 

We already talked about that issue. 2lazytofnd the topic. Btw above 150 ping or with packet loss shrapnel wuold miss a lot, i m kinda starting hating ping above 80 also but it’s just that i’m used to lesser value.


The high ping “issue” is something that you can’t fix with practice. Sometimes the shots will go wherever they wants. 




What was the conclusion of the topic? Was it because of ping/packet loss, or because the aim helper is not working anymore?

Niripas, first off thanks !!!


Normally I see 1-2 guards per match regardless of teir.  What do you do with guards in a cruise Hyena ?  How many hits does it take to kill a kinetic phase shielded guard ?  Be honest can you carry with a cruise hyena ?Always wondered how you deal with good guard players in a cruise tackler.


Well. I remember one match against you. Your team had 2 guards and one engie in domination I just slowed them down, so they got dispersed around the map. In the meantime I just killed all interceptors of your team (one guy from Anger was really pissed off and was calling me some nice russian names, I wrote them down ;)). What was left - adaptive guard. Slowed down, he switched shield to kinetic, EM missiles were doing 5k per hit, gauss still 3.5k per shot. Died. Blood Tormentor. Too tanky - so I dragged him away from the center and someone from my team got him with me. Your inties respawned in the meantime. Some of them wanted just to kill that stupid cruise tackler. You and someone else were the ones that went for beacons, so I dragged those pesky covopses away and went after you and your wingman. Spotted a guard, EM missile, he switched shields, got 4 crits from gauss for 6.5k and died. And then it was just running from beacon to beacon. 12 kills, some assists and match won. Why I do remember this? Cause your team had all 3 beacons at the beginning. So can a single Hyena turn a tide of battle? Yes. Can she tank against good Guard? No. That’s not her role. Her role is to kill those small inties that are trying to get your frigates, create distraction and exploit enemy team’s vulnerabilities.


And btw: you are one of the best recon pilots I know :) 

I actually remember this game, no xxxx. I also recorded it (somewhere in the 1000’s of games hd).  It was me and zap0 in icebelt.  I remember the game because I asked Zap after it was over how the heck we lost. I stand corrected. SO YOU ARE definitely one of the pilots that make me hate cruise engine tacklers  :) 

OK thats a good tatic, normally I think to carry a team you have to destroy everything and capture everything.  Being able to drag tanky opponents away and pop interceptors then cap is a pretty sweet win tatic.

PS: Still hate cruise tacklers, even if a very very small pocket of really good players can carry with them - -  i ll be looking for revenge.  :)

I actually remember this game, no xxxx. I also recorded it (somewhere in the 1000’s of games hd).  It was me and zap0 in icebelt.  I remember the game because I asked Zap after it was over how the heck we lost. I stand corrected. SO YOUR definitely one of the pilots that make me hate cruise engine tacklers  :) 

OK thats a good tatic, normally I think to carry a team you have to destroy everything and capture everything.  Being able to drag tanky opponents away and pop interceptors then cap is a pretty sweet win tatic.

PS: Still hate cruise tacklers, even if a very very small pocket of really good players can carry with them - -  i ll be looking for revenge.  :)


I accidentally launched into a domination game in t5 with my invasion build Jaguar (large sensor range and cruise engine) and it actually performed remarkably well :smiley:


I was running around all over the place, goosing interceptors, slowing random people and capturing the beacon where they were not. Even the recons had problems keeping up with me, since with my high sensor range I had huge of battlefield awareness and could avoid them and their ML. But I think the best part was I made some guy in a cov ops quite mad at me, and he followed me around trying to kill me sicne I was on low hull. So what I did is I drew him right to the edge of the map, cloaked and turned back to capture the beacon which was therefore empty.


I might try and further develop that into an actual PVP build. Probably with a different weapons since gauss is hard to use with cruise.

you are*

you are*


you’re is fine also


Grammar xxxx


Hmm I just learned that n a z i is a swear word here. Strange.

I might try and further develop that into an actual PVP build. Probably with a different weapons since gauss is hard to use with cruise.

Feel free to look up my Jaguar videos, all of them are in Cruise build.

Feel free to look up my Jaguar videos, all of them are in Cruise build.


I saw one or two of them. And I also fought against you in my non-cruise Jag. It was a really annoying build I remember ^^

Stop Saying Cruise Tacklers are good. . .  SHHHHHHHHHHH

It might make more people fly them.

Stop Saying Cruise Tacklers are good. . .  SHHHHHHHHHHH SHHHHHHHHH



Stop Saying Cruise Tacklers are good. . .  SHHHHHHHHHHH SHHHHHHHHH

is it getting on your NERW? huehuehue

I was staying away from Dread battles, so I could then create a “how to Dread video”.  Standard Tatics and the evil ones owl and nasa use.


It isn’t for bomb plants in dreadnoughts, I meant for detonation games in pvp.

Really you told me how to fit this thing !!! . . . where did I go wrong ?  And I might have to be carefull what I say but I find that Shrapnel cannon has something wrong with it.  (no i m not reporting a bug)  I just feel when I don t have my weapon directly on the target reticle the shrapnel projectile doesn’t come close to where I fired it.  Anyway with the proposed upcoming nerf to EM weapons I guess I ll have to start using it again.

I’ll have to show you next time we fly together.  And I think it only seems that way.  Shrapnel looks like its missing vastly if you slightly miss, but actually you are closer than you think from what I’ve seen.  But yeah, if you have bad ping, using shrapnel, or any slower “burst” weapon is impossible.  I hope they don’t nerf EM weapons… especially bubbles.  Those are the only things that can break a good frig ball since ions got nerfed to crap.