receive 0 exp from upgrade weapon/module

  1. Description of the problem, what happened.

I did not receive any progression experience from upgrading modules to mk5


  1. What did you expected to happen.

 I expect to receive pilot experience from upgrading modules, just like the patch note said


Upgrade active modules, weapons and modifiers!

  • For obtaining an Mk1 module, the pilot receives 5 experience

  • For upgrading to Mk2, the pilot receives 10 experience

  • For upgrading to Mk3, the pilot receives 15 experience

  • For upgrading to Mk4, the pilot receives 20 experience

  • For upgrading to Mk5, the pilot receives 25 experience

  1. The conditions during the situation.

I was trying to get experience for pilot level, I had mk4 module/weapon in my inventory

so I went to workshop and manufacture them to mk5

when the manufacturing complete, I realize that I receive no experience from doing the upgrade


  1. Further details on the issue.

I have tried at least 3 modules, they all yield the same result, I receive no experience at all


  1. Frequency of occurrence.



  1. Logs + [screenshots](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/18799-how-to-takepost-screenshots/)

[2018.03.12](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=16434)








  1. If possible, the time when it happend. In this case we will be able to look more closely to the server logs. Also mention your time zone.

2018 0312  12:24,42 (UTC+8)


  1. Information on the configuration of your computer (DxDiag)

[](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=16435)

wierd, when i lvl up 1 module i watch at same time barre beside my pic, and i earn each time xp…

I got the same issue,


its not while leveling from MK1 to MK4…there i got my experience and the Items are shown correctly in Atlas.


Its a specific problem with leveling Items from MK4 to MK5 in the workshop. I got no experience and the Atlas still show that i only got the MK4 version.


In case of my Ion Diffuser: the R12 version is pre-patch and the R17 version is post-patch…so all my pre-patch MK5 items are there but not my post-patch MK5 items.





it says that only the 1st complete max level up per module/weapon counts not the max lvl up of the second, 3rd … of that same module/weapon … 



3 hours ago, avarshina said:

it says that only the 1st complete max level up per module/weapon counts not the max lvl up of the second, 3rd … of that same module/weapon … 




surely we all know that, from the picture you should clearly see the only highest coil mortar level I had was the mk4 one ,

after the upgrade from workshop, I got the ONLY first mk5 coil there

I didn’t have any mk5 modules/weapons before the patch come out,

so logical tells me there must be something wrong with this new progression system

15 hours ago, avarshina said:

it says that only the 1st complete max level up per module/weapon counts not the max lvl up of the second, 3rd … of that same module/weapon … 




Thats not the problem here. Thats only counts for the same module of the same rank. But u get experience for the same Module for each different rank.


Back to our problem: Seems like a common bug. I testet it now with several Pilots and it was everytime the same: Upgrading a Weapon or Module to MK5 in the workshop dosnt count in the Atlas atm.