Just thought this was a bit funny. Only few will understand.

Makes me wonder why…


You stalking little creeper.

Adding friends on the forum has almost no use, this thread makes no sense.

Adding friends on the forum has almost no use, this thread makes no sense.

You are talking about TheDarkRedFox. Your sentence is redundant. Everything he posts makes no sense.

You are talking about TheDarkRedFox. Your sentence is redundant. Everything he posts makes no sense.


Saying “Everything he posts makes no sense.” after “You are talking about TheDarkRedFox. Your sentence is redundant.”

is redundant…

Only few will understand.

Well, I certainly don’t. I have grave doubts about recoil understanding, either.

who is REC0IL?

Saying “Everything he posts makes no sense.” after “You are talking about TheDarkRedFox. Your sentence is redundant.”

is redundant…


If the webserver hosting this topic were intelligent, it would delete this entire thread. Then refuse to talk to any of us ever again.




That’s right, it would be speach capable.

Who is this recoil and how can I be friends with this awesome dude!


… btw… have you seen the droids we’re looking for?

Who is this recoil and how can I be friends with this awesome dude!


… btw… have you seen the droids we’re looking for?


who is REC0IL?


Who is John Galt ?

Disgusting movie… Ew

Disgusting troll attempt. 

Who is John Galt ?

The dickwad who left the world to burn because he’s a character made by Ayn Rand. Like, holy xxxx, libertarianism is fine, but you don’t have to be a xxxx about it.

Disgusting troll attempt. 

For a full week I join to see some interesting topic here and see nothing but empty posts.

What is happening to the community?

I will start the activity on the best thread ever again. 

Done. now you will have fun arguing with me. your corpmates will get involved too.

Disgusting troll attempt. 


I wasn’t trolling. I actually dislike the movie.


Who is that?