Reaper Tractor Beam

The Tractor beam module of the reaper doesn’t do kinetic damage anymore but only on destroyers. Bug or Nerf ?

Can’t say if totally correct because:

>>Deals additional kinetic damage to large targets.<<

What is defined as ‘large rargets’? Frigate+ or just destroyer?

Another bug I found with this module(at least it seem)
Flying around the reaper using it, it doesn’t attract you, instead recuding your total speed which is a bug(different physic).

I was flying my proc parallel to said reaper(I think it’s that module causing this problem) and instead of being moved towards the reaper my speed goes to -/+~10 m/s.

you did however notice, that the damage it did before on destros was very tiny (supposedly what it should have done on normal ships) and quite huge to any other ship, making it an OP weapon?

It was broken for a time.

be glad so few people noticed it ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

of course the tractor itself wasnt broken, so that should not have changed. didn’t try it myself, i am glad its fixed, but of course, all i would have done is swap the damage.

Heh it was finally fixed? That xxxx was so broken…

I hope the damage to destros has also been buffed appropriately?

Well for me, it remains to be seen, “how” it was fixed.

overpowered actions can trigger overnerfing reactions! ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

It is. Now there no damage at all but only few on destroyers. So it’s kind of useless now.

ugh… reapers are now quite mediocre to bad. Nothing special, ramming doesn’t work since like ever and tractor beam only affects speed, there is no draw at all. It used to be quite good against orbiting inties, sure, quite op against jericho inties / fighters, but overall, balanced. If you didn’t want to be hit by it, you wouldn’t come close. It basically supplanted pulsar in this case. Everything a guard should do, a major counter to inties, which is not true anymore.

Wait so it no longer pulls things? Whoever came up with that needs to be fired.

I think, the pull was balanced enough, all it needed was to swap thousands of damage on small ships and only a few hundreds on destros around.

Plus, if all such modules generally do not take your last hitpoint, except indirectly (collisions, module explosions) or if shield is 0.

Sad to hear it lost the pull feature. :confused: Also sad to hear, that the destro damage is minimal.

1 hour ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

It used to be quite good against orbiting inties, sure, quite op against jericho inties / fighters, but overall, balanced.

It did a few thousand damage over short time below shield to anything (except Destros :P), how can you call that balanced? It was basicly a kill button for 2/3rds of all ships in T3. I mean just before the nerf. The pull effect was fun since it worked mostly just on destros, but the damage it did to destros was a lot less, than it did to small vessels. So it had to be changed. But maybe you mean it was balanced before, when it wasn’t like this - unfortunately, I was only using it in the last month.

anyway, i just realized we are in the bug section, but it’s not a valid bug report anyway.


It should not deal damage but instead reduce kinetic resistance.

9 hours ago, Sinaka said:

It should not deal damage but instead reduce kinetic resistance.

Why kinetic? So coil mortars do more damage to dessies? That’s a very specific use ^^ And we already have target painter…

1 hour ago, millanbel said:

Why kinetic? So coil mortars do more damage to dessies? That’s a very specific use ^^ And we already have target painter…

Well, just because it deals kinetic dmg which does not make much sense. Why would a pulling effect deal dmg? Instead it could block engines or make them overheat fast or something. It is already a nice feature to be able to slow down and pull ships to your guns. And It should also have stronger pulling effect on smaller ships. A frig pulling a dessy like a paper plane is silly. 

23 hours ago, g4borg said:

It did a few thousand damage over short time below shield to anything (except Destros :P), how can you call that balanced? It was basicly a kill button for 2/3rds of all ships in T3. I mean just before the nerf. The pull effect was fun since it worked mostly just on destros, but the damage it did to destros was a lot less, than it did to small vessels. So it had to be changed. But maybe you mean it was balanced before, when it wasn’t like this - unfortunately, I was only using it in the last month.

Glad it got fixed.  Getting killed in 1-2 seconds though sheild was very similar to the old blackwhole weapon.  I was really fun to decimate opponents though.