
Im getting really annoyed by the “two step authorisation” system keep trying to force itself. Problem with it, is because in the process it wants my phone number. Whats next? They send me a tracker i should put up my arsee? So now i cant log in into ganjin for like 2/3 of the time because of this “twostep” sheet. I think im more worried about google getting my phone number than someone stealing my puny password. Nice try google

But…thats how two-step auth works? Maybe your password is puny, but remember that google cetralised everything so people that have Adwords, Wallet, Youtube films that make some money can be worried about their password. I dont like the idea giving my phone number to google, but thats how secure things work.

I get this occasionally and I concur that it is annoying as mlp. It seems to go away after a bit if you stop trying to login for a while/so something on a device that’s already logged in.

I fought doing it for a long time and finally caved. I figured if your like 80% of the market and have an android phone, then google has your number anyway. And 2 step is a good security measure.

yes it’s annoying and doesn’t let you log in. 

It was said multiple time to just ignore it and log from the russian page. Thats what I do and I never have any problem and it does not annoy me a bit.

It shows up on the russian page for me. 

Same for me, ignore it.

buuuuuuuuuuut it won’t let me login. how can i ignore it?  :015:

Sometimes it lets you log in without it actually forcing you to click that two step authorization. just keep trying to log in, delete all history data, try again, restart computer, try again. 

but two step authorization oesn’t work when i set it up 

don’t do the two step authorization, simply use the sign in without ever giving in to clicking on the two step authorization.

Even when it doesn’t let you pass.

Funny thing is, the Two-step authorization is only forced upon you, if you login in to the forum, not on the main site. But on the main site you do the important stuff (buying GS). Thats some warped logic.


SO can we please get rid of the two-step authorization(introduce option), if  we do not like it. This is only a game. I dont care that much for the security of non-critical accounts.