Rant About Balance

(Quick disclaimer, this rant will cover a couple different ship types and their use in PvP however it may come off to PvE and other things as I go along)


PS. I will finish this later because I typed up a big paragraph that was’t even the whole thing and then I managed to loose it.

(Quick disclaimer, this rant will cover a couple different ship types and their use in PvP however it may come off to PvE and other things as I go along)

This is in fact a quick rant!  :005j:

Excellent rant!! +1

PS. I will finish this later because I typed up a big paragraph that was’t even the whole thing and then I managed to loose it.

Lets rant about that instead! :smiley:

Since there is no content, I will close the thread.

There is no need to reserver posts or threads;)