Rank 5 VS Rank 9 match, possible?

I’d like to ask if it’s possible for the current system to match up someone with a full rank 5 ship line against someone with a full rank 9 ship line, Opposing teams.

Devs, this one’s for you to answer, I’m curious what you’re gonna say. Is it possible?


After analyzing the results of fast fights, it was decided to adjust the ranks that the difficulty types include. From now on skirmish can include the following battles:

●      Easy: for ships of ranks 1 through 5;
●      Average: for ships of ranks 5 to 10;
●      Hard: for ships of ranks 10 to 15.

Good luck in battles, pilots!

Average 5 to 10

Yes it is.

Yes it is possible, keep in mind that in random PvP lower ranked ships gain passive bonuses boosting their weapon dmg and dmg resistance, bringing ships performance somewhat close to the higher ranked ships, still higher ranked ships will have better utility through wider tool set.

On 16/12/2016 at 10:30 PM, xKostyan said:

Yes it is possible, keep in mind that in random PvP lower ranked ships gain passive bonuses boosting their weapon dmg and dmg resistance, bringing ships performance somewhat close to the higher ranked ships, still higher ranked ships will have better utility through wider tool set.

a r10 weapon never be close to a r15 weapon , why ?

its not only the dmg to count on a weapon , there’s all other stat ( range , spread , overheating , amno speed )

cool we have more resitance but compare this .

150 pts resit with 5k for hull still less 100 pts resit with more 7k hull

don’t forget also the other stat. for modules and ships .

and the last point , the size of the ship change the hit box , specially with the sp ships ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)


3 hours ago, zzzfrogzzz said:

a r10 weapon never be close to a r15 weapon , why ?

its not only the dmg to count on a weapon , there’s all other stat ( range , spread , overheating , amno speed )

cool we have more resitance but compare this .

150 pts resit with 5k for hull still less 100 pts resit with more 7k hull

don’t forget also the other stat. for modules and ships .

and the last point , the size of the ship change the hit box , specially with the sp ships ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)


You should talk to Swifter, he is a strong believer on how all r15s are obsolete, because r10s all so much better now due to those buffs.