rank 14 fed destroyer gone

I spent standards on destroyer parts for the rank 14 destroyer. now its gone. WTF? i want it back or you will have to refund my money!!! i was almost done building it.    ![:(:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/(.png “:(:”)

Any logs? Check your stash for materials.

4 hours ago, mortichi said:

I spent standards on destroyer parts for the rank 14 destroyer. now its gone. WTF? i want it back or you will have to refund my money!!! i was almost done building it.    ![:(:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/(.png “:(:”)

Almost done? As in you hadn’t built it yet? If so lol i’m surprised someone hadn’t kept up with a nearly month long event stating it was going away for the next ship, so if it’s true, tough luck man you missed your chance for now…

1 hour ago, OmegaFighter said:

Any logs? Check your stash for materials.

I think that he meant to buy the Federation Sirius destroyer, but now it’s suspended.