Random crashes on Mac version

Hey guys. I am pretty new to this game, running it on stock settings on a mid-2011 Mac. For some reason, the game will crash randomly. It doesn’t freeze or stutter, the window just disappears and I get the “StarConflict quit unexpectedly” message. Any help? The game runs fine otherwise and I am greatly enjoying it, but it does get annoying when it crashes during a critical moment in a battle…




You don’t have enough information given here. First upload the log, second What does the System Report say. There has to be more information in the error to pinpoint what could have caused it


10 hours ago, xXConflictionXx said:

You don’t have enough information given here. First upload the log, second What does the System Report say. There has to be more information in the error to pinpoint what could have caused it

Where do I find these?

8 hours ago, Skula1975 said:


Does this mean it’s a known issue? Or already bug reported?

Sorry for being a newbie guys… ![o_O](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007.png “o_O”)

The following is how you file a bug report:


In Windows the Logs are located at: C:\Users{username}\Documents\My Games\StarConflict\logs

so on a Mac it would probably be similar but I don’t use mac so don’t know for sure.

As for the System Report:



Click the button “System Report” and try to post it here.

Like I said I don’t use Mac so don’t know for sure how to get the system report but you need to provide more information.

9 hours ago, Skula1975 said:


Apparently this means its in queue to be patched but you may still want to follow the advice given above…