Radiation Cloud from Destructor not dealing damage

I think it’s a bug because radiation is generally pretty nasty, and sitting in a cloud of it should do severe damage.

To replicate bug shoot at any object with the “Radiation Gun” or “Destructor” and fly enemy craft through the radiation cloud. No damage will be dealt to the opposing craft.

No other information needed as this is a mechanics error.

  1. The radiation cloud from the Destructor weapon does not deal damage.

  2. I expected it to deal damage.

  3. Combat

  4. Enemies flying through the radiation cloud do not records damage. It seems they only take damage from a direct beam hit.

  5. 100%

  6. You can’t record something that -doesn’t- happen.

  7. A few days ago. I’m not sure I just now remembered it

  8. Win7, 8gb RAM, 1Tb Harddrive, Massive graphics card.

  9. N/A

  10. N/A

[How to create bug reports](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25328-how-to-create-bug-reports/)

I think it’s a bug because radiation is generally pretty nasty, and sitting in a cloud of it should do severe damage.

To replicate bug shoot at any object with the “Radiation Gun” or “Destructor” and fly enemy craft through the radiation cloud. No damage will be dealt to the opposing craft.

No other information needed as this is a mechanics error.

  1. The radiation cloud from the Destructor weapon does not deal damage.

  2. I expected it to deal damage.

  3. Combat

  4. Enemies flying through the radiation cloud do not records damage. It seems they only take damage from a direct beam hit.

  5. 100%

  6. You can’t record something that -doesn’t- happen.

  7. A few days ago. I’m not sure I just now remembered it

  8. Win7, 8gb RAM, 1Tb Harddrive, Massive graphics card.

  9. N/A

  10. N/A


You need to put DxDiag logs, as well as any other logs in the logs folder, excluding chat. Screenshot, or a short video is a must in such cases.

I will test this, to see if it works okay or not for me.

Bringing this back up, I have also encountered a similar thing. Not sure if this is intended or is actually a bug:


  1. The destructor’s cloud of damage isn’t dealing damage when I shoot at a wall near the ship.

  2. I expected the enemy ship to be damaged.

  3. I was shooting at a wall with an enemy ship sitting about 5-10 meters from the same wall and well within the AoE range.

  4. N/A

  5. Every time I shoot at a wall with enemies within the AoE range.

  6. Screenshots: 






Logs are attached


  1. Happened at around 5:30 pm Mountain Daylight Time.

  2. N/A

  3. N/A

  4. N/A

[combat.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=8931)

[game.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=8932)

[game.net.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=8933)

Ty for the bump. I almost let this slide.

Destructor is not meant to do DMG cloud while shooting at just obstacles, it suppose to generate dmg aoe only form objects that can be damaged (enemies/friendlies/drones) and beacon.

Then how come it damages multiple enemies in a group when one is it?

Aoe should be aoe no matter what.

Destructor is not meant to do DMG cloud while shooting at just obstacles, it suppose to generate dmg aoe only form objects that can be damaged (enemies/friendlies/drones) and beacon.

Beacon can’t be damaged

Beacon can’t be damaged

read again what you have quoted

I see what you mean >_<

Not a bug.

AoE make damage for ships around target only. If you missed then you don’t have target and in that case AoE don’t have targets also.