Racing game mode v2

Yes it has been posted before and I can’t find the thread again, but here is the suggestion again: Could we please have a racing gamemode in Star Conflict? I saw from videos that Star Citizen has one, and I think it would be really cool in Star Conflict!


Of course it would not just be a speed competition, but also tight twists and turns through tunnels, to test orientation and memory capabilities. It would need to be fully 3D, making use of all directions for it to a be a good challenge!


It shouldn’t be in the regular PVP roster, but maybe a seperate queue, where there is a round every 5 minutes, or every time there are enough people. And of course add it to the custom rooms. I don’t think it should be seperated by rank, since low rank ships can also compete in speed (hello Sai…). So this would reduce population problems. Oh and another thing: make sure you put the map in invasion also!


This is what prompted me to repost this:

(people racing drones in a cool 3D environment (real life… :P))

Excellent idea!


Must have!



Murray Summer Cup!

(real life… :P)

Someone please define this… I think it’s what people call “ULTRA REALITY HD” game, where it’s ULTIMATE hardcore, with 1 life… I hate that game.


Anyways, that old tanks game had such a racing mode. Idk why I keep bringing other games. Anyways I’d love to see such a thing.

Lol all you compare things to is “that one tanks game”.

It’s kinda funny after the 20th time. Xp

Lol all you compare things to is “that one tanks game”.

It’s kinda funny after the 20th time. Xp

Actually I keep comparing to “2” tanks games, not one. I just try to say “Yeah guys this thing was successful at that game, it might be here as well yeh know”

The only thing against it is the fact that it ould split the queues even more, which is not a good thing if you consider SCs player count.

But as a special, only free during certain time(s) of the year, sure! I’d argue though, that the work that needs to be done for that to happen is very similar to what is needed to improve open space or adding/improving PvE, or even PvP to a degree (map building). So if you spend development resources on the people who can do a racing mode, you might as well spend those resources on the same people and improve the existing gameplay. I think the latter one would bring even greater benefits than a racing mode.

well not racing but atleast we must have some sort of mini game gives us good amount of resources (credits or silicon ecc ecc) while waiting the que time …

The only thing against it is the fact that it ould split the queues even more, which is not a good thing if you consider SCs player count.

But as a special, only free during certain time(s) of the year, sure! I’d argue though, that the work that needs to be done for that to happen is very similar to what is needed to improve open space or adding/improving PvE, or even PvP to a degree (map building). So if you spend development resources on the people who can do a racing mode, you might as well spend those resources on the same people and improve the existing gameplay. I think the latter one would bring even greater benefits than a racing mode.


Playerbase has doubled (according to steam values) since Christmas…


I would hope they have some small ressources left over for 1 single map. It wouldn’t be that hard, just use beacons as the chekpoints, implement a timer for each lap, and then design the map (they are onstantly designing new maps anyway)

racing mode with turrets involved. yesss! 

racing mode with turrets involved. yesss! 

You just remind me of Hot Wheels! THIS WOULD BE DOPE!!

You just remind me of Hot Wheels! THIS WOULD BE DOPE!!

ye so basically, there’s tracks where you race other players in special racing ships. different modules for speed boost, strafe boost, and manuverability boosts. you have unguided slowing missiles to own ppl. But i also still want to see them add the survival game mode. 

survival game mode. 

What is this?

What is this?

COD Zombies but with biomorphs, spaceships, and dreadnoughts. You have to find parts and repair your dreadnought, then you can warp off. can grind monos, neodium, and other stuff. 

COD Zombies but with biomorphs, spaceships, and dreadnoughts. You have to find parts and repair your dreadnought, then you can warp off. can grind monos, neodium, and other stuff. 


This is a very good idea!
I would love to have this gamemode in the game - would be great inty-practice as well :slight_smile:

It seems no-one is looking after the Suggestions section of the forum anymore…


Where is Error? Doombot, recruit someone to replace him!



Wish granted.

Wish granted.

OMG there it is i should wish a pony instead!!!