R15 implant

TL:DR R15 implant should be R1 with changed statistics


Right now, the R15 implant is quite useless, the money/synergy boost is gained at the last rank, where you most likely will no longer need those. That is why I would like to suggest to make them the R1 implant where you will actually make good use of the boosts and where you need them.

The rest of the implants would get Current rank+1 so it’s just a matter of shoving things to the right.


On top of that suggestion, I would like to suggest to make the boost like this:


Current: R15

Synergy gain +5%

Credit gain + 5%

Main weapon damage +5%


Suggested: R1

Synergy gain +10%

Credit gain +10%

Main weapon damage +5%



Current: R15

Credit gain +10%

Hull&Shield strength +10%


Suggested: R1

Credit gain +20%

Hull&Shield strength +5%



Current: R15

Synergy gain +10%

Missile damage +10%


Suggested: R1

Synergy gain +20%

Missile damage + 5%


This would make them a bigger impact on your progression early on, and would help you get further. The hull&shield increase might be slightly too high still though.

I feel that the current R15 implants are at the wrong position due to them coming too late, when you no longer really need the bonus they give. And since progression in this game is alreay (painfully) slow I feel that this might help get rid of it a bit.(Though further improvements to the current progression is needed)


Feel free to give me your feedback

The rest of the implants would get Current rank+1 so it’s just a matter of shoving things to the right.

Than you will have to shift all the ships to maintain current implant - ship relationship, on top of that changing r15 to r1 you are in a sense reverting the change to pre 0.9

Are you Empire Funky ? …





Federation = Hull&Shield strength +15%

Jericho = Missile damage + 20%

Empire = Main weapon damage +3%

Are you Empire Funky ? …





Federation = Hull&Shield strength +15%

Jericho = Missile damage + 20%

Empire = Main weapon damage +3%

Feedback on your suggestion

The federation would make it quite OP and able to get near 70-80k EHP on engi’s/guards, which is why I wanted a 5%.

The jericho should be 5-10%, since you can nowadays spam missiles, so a 20% increase would be too much in my opinion.

And 5% main weapon damage has a smaller impact I feel than a 10% missile damage increase.


@xKostyan right now the R15 implant are quite useless, which is why I want them in a far better position near the beginning so progression is more quickly. The ships wouldn’t have to shift at all.

I dont care balance. I want win ~! 

I agree, but some ships’ ranks should be shoved as well.

Or, reinstate race and make r15 useful.

Or, reinstate race and make r15 useful.

I wouldn’t mind that honestly, but it seems these devs are very reluctant to go back to older better systems.

older better systems.


wait, paying GS to change racial bonus is better than paying Credits to change implant ???

wait, paying GS to change racial bonus is better than paying Credits to change implant ???

The implant is R15, and only applies to R15 ships(besides the synergy/credit which is for all ranks) so yes, the older system was better.

The R15 implant applies to all your ships.  Once you get it, your T1 ships get a boost.

The R15 implant applies to all your ships.  Once you get it, your T1 ships get a boost.

Nope, only the credit/synergy does, but when you already reached T15 with a faction, those are generally less of a problem. It would be a much better implant to have from the beginning of the game than the end.

Choosing those boosts would be great at the beginning.  I hadn’t memorized the full description of the implants.  But a synergy boost would be really helpful as well as automatic loyalty.


Actually, just fix the synergy system.

Why not just the rep system? It was great before…

Why not just the rep system? It was great before…

Can we stay on-topic for just once? xD

Synergy system is currently broken, but it’s very doubtful they will go back so best thing is to help the devs improve the current systems.

The only good thing I see about the R15 implants is how R14 ships aren’t shortchanged by the lack of an implant.