[R] trapped in "Ice Pits"...none of the Gates would let me out!

I left New Eden, went into “ice Pits” to go to “Ellydium”, but the Gates would not let me out in any of the directions, including back to New Eden…I stayed in there for 45 minutes, filled my cargo hold, before I realized that the only way out was to die! I lost all cargo, credits accumulated and points for all the pirate kills…this was “after” the other Gate Issue was supposed to be fixed… post-244622-0-91037700-1413508421.jpgpost-244622-0-53527400-1413509113.jpgpost-244622-0-24466000-1413509121.jpgnt=8283:game.log][nshot-141016-180437.jpg], 

[game.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=8283)

[game.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=8284)

I had this issue in July and said something about it. Wasn’t fixed then and there is a high probability that it won’t be fixed in the future.

Thanks for reporting this, it has been forwarded.

I recommend you use a duplicator in this case. You can return to the hangar with all the cargo if you use a duplicator. Go to main menu and click on “return to hangar” or something like that.


When I had that problem, I could solve it doing a safe log out, and joining again.

Safe Log Outs suck!

Yesterday i had full cargo with 2x blueprints, artifacts & vouchers.

Wanted to log out, then this line was empty, but nothing happened. I got kicked, some connection issue (hah, wasn’t my internet) and my ship self destructed, the loot disappeared before i were there again, it was in the triangle.

I’d report this but i’ve no screenshot etc. and i’m lazy.

But just sayin’

Thanks for reporting this, it has been forwarded.

I also reported the same issue last month, with screen shots and logs…nothing happened! I’m beginning to feel this is a waste of time in reporting anything to the company…last month, I’d collected over 500,000 credits in “Colonization Hub”…same thing, stayed there, kept collecting cause I couldn’t get out, and finally just died and found out it was their server…never got credits or full cargo of loot…they ‘could’ be nice and give me a 24 hour premium for both of these incidents, and I would be happy!..thanks for your response…

I also reported the same issue last month, with screen shots and logs…nothing happened! I’m beginning to feel this is a waste of time in reporting anything to the company…last month, I’d collected over 500,000 credits in “Colonization Hub”…same thing, stayed there, kept collecting cause I couldn’t get out, and finally just died and found out it was their server…never got credits or full cargo of loot…they ‘could’ be nice and give me a 24 hour premium for both of these incidents, and I would be happy!..thanks for your response…


I wish I could do more, but I can only tell an administrator that this is an important bug that needs a solution, from there on I have no power, so we can just wait.

so…anyone out there? will something be done?

so…anyone out there? will something be done?


If there’s no patch update there’s no bug fixes. Wait 'till need patch, thanks for your patience and sorry.

as usual…report a problem and they do nothing…I’m sure it’s fixed, but, they ought to give me a day’s premium for it…that was a lot of time, cargo and credits lost.

as usual…report a problem and they do nothing…I’m sure it’s fixed, but, they ought to give me a day’s premium for it…that was a lot of time, cargo and credits lost.


I am sorry for this, I did all I had in hand to make them aware of the bug.

hey out there…I just left the dock in New Eden …again…on an assignment for Control Post, to activate the 3 generators…the “Gate” would not work! I went back to the hanger and it would not let me dock, even though it said I had docked! I picked up some loot and tried again…that didn’t help and I could not dock…I destroyed my ship, lost the cargo, and then they wanted to charge me approximately  25,000 “credits” to replenish ammo and crap!

I did take screen-shots but I don’t want to upload them if nothing is going to be done about it, as usual  !!!   

By the way…I’m no longer a “free player”…I just bought a months Premium for Star Conflict and the “Blaze Rush” game…now that I’m a “paying customer”, I EXPECT something to be done about this, and I don’t mean the “standard” email that says…“submit all your info, so we can ignore you and the problem”…

Also, when I destroyed the ship, the game logged me out and I had to log back in again…just so you know!