[R] T3 Loot Missing???



I’m experiencing the problem with loot now. I’m T3, doing T3 scenarios but all the time I keep looting T4 items. In T2 scenarios I get just T2 and in T3 only T4 items… I don’t know why is that if it’s overall bug or just my account is somehow bugged, but it’s not so funny when you have to BUY all the T3 items… and can’t loot some extra / rare items from scenarios… only T4 items which are useless for me… right now in the T3.


Please help, it’s making my game less enjoyable when I have to buy all the equipment and can’t win it in Scenarios


I’m looking forward to your reply

      or better, the solution

I agree with this. +1


Ever since I started winning T3 scenarios, getting around 200k+ -> 240k+ credit, and if with license, getting 300k+ -> 360k+, I never gotten a drop of T3 item from the purple anomaly.


But I think it’s fine with me, getting T4 items are expensive, plus, I’ve got SOME T3 items which were just lucky drops from the anomalies.


Well, anyway, consider taking this to a fix or not? Maybe have a 50% chance of getting T3 or T4.

Yes… I got only 1 T3 dropped item… and that was by luck from Arcade Battle… no way for me to loot T3 in scenarios… from purple anomaly I loot only T4 items… there’s not even a drop chance for T3 or lucky drop T3… tryed that… playing scenarios more then PvP battles…

+1 game issue. only getting t2 or t4

+1 game issue. only getting t2 or t4


+1 Player issue, I get T3 mods just fine from T2 and T3.

+1 Player issue, I get T3 mods just fine from T2 and T3.


and are you talking about Scenario or about PvP ?.. because I got 1 T3 mod from PvP too… but from PvP it’s just pure luck… I would like to make use of that purple anomaly in Scenarios… to drop T3… at least by any chance…


but if it’s player issue…

      I’m looking forward to fix it anyways…

and are you talking about Scenario or about PvP ?.. because I got 1 T3 mod from PvP too… but from PvP it’s just pure luck… I would like to make use of that purple anomaly in Scenarios… to drop T3… at least by any chance…


but if it’s player issue…

      I’m looking forward to fix it anyways…


PVP Only.


All my 20 T2 Epics are from T2 PVP.

PVP Only.


All my 20 T2 Epics are from T2 PVP.


Then your comment missed the point… I’m talking about non-existing Scenario (PvE) T3 loot … not T2 nor the PvP where you can get any drop just by pure luck… I didnt get any yet except 1 item.

I have the same problem. Got around 20 T4 modules just sitting in my warehouse, with no T4 ship to put them on, while i am struggeling to get a decent t3 module (wich is a pain in the butt since you have to rank up to 8-9 with a faction). I either get T2 (wich i sell immediatly) or T4 loot from PvE.

I have the same problem.

We even try to do T3 scenarios only with T3 ships, same result.

I think all of my tier 3 loot what extremely little there is, came from pvp matches.

Anyone else with this issue ? Or is this all coincidental ? I did a headcount, i now have 22 T4 loot in my warehouse, without having a single T4 Ship. All T3 green loot i have (2 drops) are also from PvP.

Its a feature they programmed in.  I think the original idea was R3 & R4 players could play together in PvE even though they are across Tiers…obviously had an unfortunate side effect.  


I believe its on the list.  

No reason not to be a squeeky wheel, as long as you keep it constructive and don’t post pages of abuse you’ll be heard.  


Fingers crossed this Thursday!

Ah, loud and clear sir, tnx for the reply !

Issue reported