[R] Reverse thruster - Catapult effect

It’s a very funny bug. But it’s still a bug.
It’s more like a tutorial but well, you know where the bug is and it can be fixed then.

While jumping (look at the speed)




On any map, in any gamemode this bug can happen.
It is a bug with the reverse thruster.
Each map is limited. Fly to the rim of the map (PvP, Invasion or PvE).
If your ship can’t accelerate anymore…
Turn around as you want to jump over the limit of the map.
Catapult effect turns on. Your Ship get thrown into the map with 10000m/s and this over ~22km.

30% chance that the ship will be invisible for the pilot. (Not for other players.)

It’s the ultimate acceleration and the ultimate speed. You can crash anywere and steering is almost impossible.

I tried it with my Archdragon (but works on each LrF).
The implant that increases your module effect strength and also increases RT range to 6km increases the catapult effect.

Please, never use it in PvP situations (You should never use it, but it’s sooo funny.) On little PvP maps something very bad will happen (I didn’t tried it but i think so.) Otherwise it will just throw you 20km and you will probably crash somewhere.

Anyway, abusing bugs is forbidden and can end up with a ban.

As long as this bug exists i will have fun with it huehuehue.

(Sorry for my bad grammar)

Oh, now I’m required to craft reverse thruster and test this out in invasion. Darn.

Oh, now I’m required to craft reverse thruster and test this out in invasion. Darn.

I wanted to show it you today at the Empire station, but then i dropped the connection :confused:

I found out about this bug the hard way. It was last night, I was in my inquisitor AE in the new fort map, I was looking down at the spot where the boss spawns in pve, and clicked reverse thruster by accident, then it catapulted me into the wall. Quite funny.

Of course and if you know how to use it you can surprise everyone. :stuck_out_tongue:

How i found it out: I was killing one of my corpmates all the time in Invasion, he took each ship but he died. He took an Inquisitor S with full Thermal Setup against my Archdragon (Beam Cannon, Mines, Disintegrator.) I had almost no chance. I jumped back and back, he pushed me. But at the last jump it catapulted me into the map, he was 20km away. I flew into range and killed him with disintegrator. He just loled at this. ^^

Thanks for reporting this, forwarded.

I wanted to show it you today at the Empire station, but then i dropped the connection :confused:

No worries, I tested this in the Fed station a few minutes ago. Took forever and a half to farm enough stuff to craft it, and the end result was a bit underwhelming, but it’s still hilarious.

It’s more than normal recon warp. :stuck_out_tongue:

I tested this out a bunch just now, and it’s pretty close to a microwarp, although, yeah, it’s a bit bigger. The distance and speed also depends on how far away you are from the map edge. And, for some odd reason, you can’t hit yourself with a disintegrator shot. Although it is pretty hilarious to see yourself shooting off into the distance while using the guided torpedo. Or suddenly being yanked out of using the guided torpedo because you rocketed through it.


I had far too much free time today.


Ban Them!!

Well, here’s something to abuse in invasion…


Ban Them!!


Better version:

Bug users!

Promote them!

today i killed a cov ops with the catapult   :01010:

Anyway, abusing bugs is forbidden and can end up with a ban.

Seems like no one cares, me neither.

Good job Nightmare!