[R] rammed bug?

17:52:11.724 CMBT   |    Participant         BYAtomic                                 totalDamage 815.71; mostDamageWith ‘Weapon_Railgun_Basic_T5_Rel’;

17:52:15.720 CMBT   | Killed MotherShip Ship_Race2_S_T5_Faction2; killer Edbin

17:52:15.720 CMBT   |    Participant            SHAKE Ship_Race3_S_T4_Faction1         totalDamage 607.28; mostDamageWith ‘Weapon_Plasmagun_Autofire_T4_Epic’;

17:52:15.720 CMBT   |    Participant       AizekClark Ship_Race2_L_T5_Steam           totalDamage 5342.86; mostDamageWith ‘Module_GuidedMissile_T5_Base’;

17:52:15.720 CMBT   |    Participant            Edbin Ship_Race2_S_T5_Faction1         totalDamage 4914.03; mostDamageWith ‘SpaceMissile_AAMKin_T5_Mk3’; <debuff>

17:52:15.720 CMBT   |    Participant          Radomir Ship_Race2_M_T4                 totalDamage 306.51; mostDamageWith ‘Weapon_Laser_Heavy_T4_Rare’;

17:52:15.720 CMBT   |    Participant         igorCord Ship_Race3_L_T4_Faction1         <buff>

17:52:15.720 CMBT   |    Participant            SHAKE Ship_Race3_L_T4_Faction1         <buff>



it doesn’t say what he used to kill me but il say it annyway, the guy rammed into me as i was flying a cov ops with full health and i was literally flying 100 m/s maximum, i was shoting a engineering and he was about to die, suddenly i randomly died from nothing. Edbin flew on me with a wakizashi AE 


he uses ramming to avoid immunity, happend 2 times inside same match. i didn’t crash, the guy flew into me once for each kill with a wakizashi AE. 


did something happend to increase ramming damage? cause he can kill me with full health by just flying into me and he doesn’t take much damage himself. thats kinda wierd? both pictures shows he did 50% on both hes crashes, and 60% of my health is at my shields and 40% is at hull. and ramming only affects hull. 

i was barely moving myself both times, around 100 m/s speed with full full health on my hull. and im certain he was not using a recon, thats why i added combatlog. 


RzpmyOb.jpg aoUqGQt.jpg

[combat.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=7945)

Даров. Компенсатор столкновений всех делов то. 

Даров. Компенсатор столкновений всех делов то. 






I already forwarded this, I forgot to say I did.





I already forwarded this, I forgot to say I did.

Выгоняешь? А где же ваше гостеприимство? fed001.png


 Ну ладно пойду. 

Выгоняешь? А где же ваше гостеприимство? fed001.png


Мне очень жаль :frowning:

