[R]R2 Neurocontroller 'Oculus' bug

it isn’t 75% target lock reduction.


used to think it was a bug and was actually 25%.


however, just tested it now… and…


1.8s becomes 1s, which amounts to 44.444% (it’s rounded, so i can’t get an exact figure)


1s becomes 0.6s, which amounts to 40% (again, rounded)…

I asked this before, and it’s due to the math used in this game.

A 100% increase in locking speed is actually only a 50% increase in actual stats.

A 200% increase would be an actual increase of 75% in stats.


It’s due to formulas they use.(They use the same kind in Sins of a solar empire)

you’re talking about increases not reductions.


there is an error in your eaxmple, 200% is equiv to 66%


but it’s basically like saying that 100% increase is equiv to 50% reduction.


1.0 to 1.8 is an 80 increase, but 1.8 to 1.0 is a 44.4% reduction…


however, the description of the items says ‘reduction’ and not increase.


therefore, the text is incorrect.


in that case, the actual figure is 42.857% reduction in lock on time.

That’s what I meant >.< But yeah, it is made in such a way so you can never get a insta-lock.

right, diminishing returns.


regardles, the question isn’t how it is made, but the incorrect description :slight_smile:

like you said, diminishing returns, so the description is correct and incorrect at the same time xD it gives the right %, but due to the math it resuts in different applied %…-math is confusing-

like you said, diminishing returns, so the description is correct and incorrect at the same time xD it gives the right %, but due to the math it resuts in different applied %…-math is confusing-


no, the description is in fact incorrect.


increases and reductions are calculated using a base of 100%. in the current situation, the base being used is 175%, reduced by 75% to 100%… makes no sense literally… excuse the pun…


but thanks for pointing that out.


ie: not having the implant equipped result in 75% increased lockon times. not the other way around.

…My head exploded reading this.


Math is not my best subject…

…My head exploded reading this.


Math is not my best subject…

You might want to see a doctor about that.

cross-post from this thread: [http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/20903-implant-sets/page-2](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20903-implant-sets/page-2)


I’ll try to exlpain this in a way even a 6 year old can understand:

There is a 75% reduction to your lock time put into the formula, then after math, it becomes a ~43% actual reduction. If they made the reduction a 43%, you would only get ~18% actual reduction.

And it is not the only item/implant effecting your lock on time, so the formula is needed in it’s current form to prevent insta-locks.


response to user comment:


i give up… i’d make a lousy grade 6 math teacher.


plus, according to your example, 43% would equate to 30% actual, not 18%… but ok…


the actual math is x * (100/175) = 43% reduction.


or x * (100/143) = 30% reduction.


there no difference in making that the reduction and changing the formula for reductions…


ie: a straight 43% reduction is a straight 43% reduction…


it should be x * (100-43)/100 = 43% reduction… math bro…


you don’t need to do all this fancy junk to convert your 75 into the actual 43%… diminishing returns still apply.


a percentage is always stated with a denominator of 100… if it isn’t… it isn’t a percentage… there you go… simple as can be…


‘per cent’ means per 100… aka: how many units per 100.


you can get a percentage from another number as denominator, but you cannot state a percentage that way…


in fact, the reason this is happening is because you’ve set the denominator (or base, if you will) to 175… which is incorrect, since that is the value with the item equipped. the base should be that of having no implants equipped.


in fact, in the code it’s probably a multiplier of 1.75, which modifies the sensor range variable.