[R] Invisible Frigate

flying around in Abadoned Beacon and i found this Invisible Escort Frigate xD





Spectre ?

That can happen when there’s huge lag, sometimes.

I seen that happen just yesterday. It was a team battle and i was tracking a Fed Engi that was attempting to sneak behind some asteriods. Every few seconds i would lose it then it would reappear even if it was well winthin my sensor range. Then it was out of cover and it would still vanish from both sensors and visual, as if it was blinking from existence… It did not prevent me from killing it, but it was weird.

I seen that happen just yesterday. It was a team battle and i was tracking a Fed Engi that was attempting to sneak behind some asteriods. Every few seconds i would lose it then it would reappear even if it was well winthin my sensor range. Then it was out of cover and it would still vanish from both sensors and visual, as if it was blinking from existence… It did not prevent me from killing it, but it was weird.


There are many things that can cause this. Going behind an asteroid (as in you lose line of sight) causes it to go off-radar.  There is also the implant which can make you go invisible for a few seconds when your shields are dropped fo the first time.  That one still surprises me from time to time!  Highly unlikely, but there may also have been a guard using spectre field on their team.

Which tier were you in?

It looks like Invasion



How to create bug repots


Your bug report needs to look like this:


In the title of the topic: A short description of the issue


In the body of the topic:

  1. Description of the problem, what happened.

  2. What did you expected to happen.

  3. The conditions during the situation.

  4. Further details on the issue.

  5. Frequency of occurrence.

  6. Logs + screenshots or a video (Including a description of the issue, where to and how to reproduce it)

  7. If possible, the time when it happend. In this case we will be able to look more closely to the server logs. Also mention your time zone.

  8. Information on the configuration of your computer (DxDiag)

  9. The results of this program if the bug report is related to connection issues.

  10. If the complaint is related to Sector Conquest, it is necessary to specify the location and time + timezone of the happening.


IMPORTANT: Files can be added on More Reply Options.



If a file type is not allowed, please create an archive and upload it.


How to attach game logs:


The logs are located in the following folder:

  1. For Win XP: {drive}: \Documents and Settings {username} \My Documents\My My Games\StarConflict\

  2. For Win Vista/7: {drive}:/Users/{username} \Documents\My Games\StarConflict\

  3. For Linux: ~/.local/share/starconflict

  4. For MAC OS: \ <user> \Library\Application Support\Star Conflict


Files to attach:

A screenshot showing the issue from the folder Screenshots





If there was a crash, the mentioned files are located in the Exceptions folder. Create and archive containing the files from the corresponding folder and attach it to your report.


Gather the files in one archive. For us it would be more convenient if the archive was with *.zip extension.

Attach it to your report.


Where to find screenshots:


If the installation location is the default location (c:\Program Files\Star Conflict ), screenshots will be saved in MyDocuments\Star-Conflict where you also find the logs. if you installed the game to any other directory, the files will be saved in the Screenshots folder within the game folder.


Sometimes we may ask to send a list of files from the folder containing the game.

I have seen this recently in T3   Team Battle… 



I had in lock…on an Engi  hitting it with eclipise and it disappeared for a sec  First thought that came to mind was WTF this is not T5. How in the blank could it go invisible ?  It would reappear a sec later  


It sort of like in the old beta days in when the Bomb Carrier would disappear sometimes when they were coming around an astroid…

We know about his bug. But we can’t reproduce it on our game version.

We needed know about precisely condition for reproduce this bug.

There are many things that can cause this. Going behind an asteroid (as in you lose line of sight) causes it to go off-radar.  There is also the implant which can make you go invisible for a few seconds when your shields are dropped fo the first time.  That one still surprises me from time to time!  Highly unlikely, but there may also have been a guard using spectre field on their team.


Nah, that one time that frigate was attempting to sneak on it’s own, none of it’s ally were nearby. It had not been fired at either.

Nah, that one time that frigate was attempting to sneak on it’s own, none of it’s ally were nearby. It had not been fired at either.

Are you sure you had line of sight on it the whole time?

Also as Skula was asking, do you by any chance know how to reproduce this in a custom room?

We know about his bug. But we can’t reproduce it on our game version.

We needed know about precisely condition for reproduce this bug.

Did you know that bugs can turn into main features of games? For example, take a look at Transformice, a platform game. Players were given the ability and the tools to make the maps. Rype’s glitch allowed objects to pivot on a set point. Other glitches moved the character in any direction as long as the character was pushed against it. Without these innovations by the players, the game Transformice would have never reached the size it is today. It has numbers reaching the tens of thousands with a plethora of servers specific to regions.

My point is that all bugs are not bugs but could, and probably should, be incorporated into the game. So why not make invisible paint but still have engines, engine trails, radars and targeting system be enabled?

Of course, though, balance glitches are something that should be corrected immediately but that’s another topic.

as an avid Frigate user myself, you all are forgetting one thing about them.


Frigates can have a module called EM Scatter Field.  

Many users do not use the module because they think it doesn’t do anything helpful.


The purpose of the module is …  once activated, the Frigate will disappear from radars by scattering the signals.

It doesn’t cloak the Frigate, it just makes others loose contact with it.


You can still visually see it unless it does move behind an asteroid or object and out of your line of sight.  You can also destroy it.  The module does not increase hull or shields.   It just fools surrounding radars into thinking the massive ship is not present.


I use the EM Scatter on my Ira Deus.   I can sit in the middle of the mayhem an targets fly right past me.


The effect you described of it appearing for brief moments then disappearing from radar again is the EM Scatter module at conclusion and being reactivated by the user.    *OR*   the EM Scatter is active and the user is moving the ship slightly.  

This can happen if you are guiding a torp and hold on to the steering a bit longer after strke.  The torp logic ends and the ship steering again resumes.   If Auto Afterburners are active, the ship can move a bit on the map before the user realizes and stops the motion so that EM Scatter can do its thing.  The ship will blink on radars in this case.    The movement cancels the EM Scatter and the ship at rest again hides it.    Result, a radar blip and gone.


Its a lovely module…*grins*   Now the Biomorphs AI will see the blip and home in on it.   SO its not a perfect cloak from their attacks.  But other aliens can pass ya right on by and attack your teammates.  SOmetimes it funny after battle as they post about being swarmed upon and they saw them fly right on past me without even taking a shot.  Like I said.  Lovely Module.


10 months necro




Also could you tell me moar about that cloak module? I’d love to use it on my Styx! Just tell me how, plzz.

I seem to recall it becoming available to me at T3.  

I didn’t use it then full time because I was more interested in Hull and Shield boosting since Frigates need them.

Once the extra slot opened up I was looking for a module to slot into it and after reviewing all the ones available, thought the EM Scatter could help.


I asked some other Frigate users and none were using it since they felt it didn’t do anything useful.

They all went with extra power, boosting shields and hulls and more firepower to take hits and survive or kill before being killed.

So I just experimented with it.


I dont even know all the ships its available on.  

I started using it mid-way thru building my TEMPLAR AE (T3) and for my IRA DEUS (T4) its a permanent module in the 1-slot for easy triggering.

I will install it on any ship its available to since it works so well and keeping the aliens off your back.