[R]Heavy Laser Reticle jumping

Nearby objects, including your own drones on engy frigs, will make the crosshair jump randomly at wild angles away from your aim point. While trying to track circling ships in close range, your drones will make the crosshair constantly jump while trying to track the ship making 50% of your laser fire miss. This can be seen on Incursion scenario easily by hovering near objects an trying to shoot boss/elites when peeking from cover.


Have encountered this problem using Heavy Plasma as well, and I suspect it’s an issue on many, if not all weapons.




I have noticed this as well, and sometimes a bounce when aiming at enemies 

i have expirenced this as well, although it may be a deliberate thing? because it only jumps when the recticle is at the 2 o clock and 11 o clock positions

which is where the lasers would have to go over the ship to keep from damaging it,

I confirm this and find it highly annoying when it happens

Can you please attach the game logs and a small video of this issue.

it has already been reported

confused… this issue has already been reported an being worked on… or Error needs a video to confirm explain what I’m talking about??

I have the same thing also with assault lasers.



confused… this issue has already been reported an being worked on… or Error needs a video to confirm explain what I’m talking about??

Use common sense.

“Error” see a complain about something working incorrectly, and asks for futher information to describe the issue, to report it further to devs. “Gentaei” already knows about the issue(it is forwarded already), and tells that there is no need for aditional reporting.

This problem is known since at least the time slow barrel was brought in.


The Engine will always focus all turrets on any range. This issue apprears by jumps on greater distance to the target.  You dont see it with other weapons than slow barrel. This auto focus is causing this. But if you remove it, that all weapons are fireing strait, you wont hit anything with lasers anymore. Other weapons will also have this problem. Imagine a Tormentor fireing lasers and only the 2 turrets in the center will hit…


The Devs are well aware of this, but right now they still need to find a way to fix this, without breaking the entire aiming mechanik, and this needs time.



Btw. Error is only partial responisible for Bug report. Its my job to forward issues and this one was already done a while back with video.

Thanks much Gentaei appreciate the clarification! Glad they got an eye on it, will look forward to a fix down the road.