[R]Game Breaking Cloak Issue

In Detonation mode (which is probably the worst game mode anyways) you can cloak right before you pick up the bomb and then you have 30 carefree seconds to fly to the enemy base and drop off your bomb while nobody can shoot you unless they happen to guess exactly where you are.  This is a serious game breaking issue and all you need to do to fix it is for picking up a bomb to remove cloak, or make sure that bomb carrying players are revealed to enemy players at all times, like the captain is in Combat Recon mode.  Being invisible/invulnerable with an important game objective is just wrong.  Please voice your support if you have lost games to this exploit - I assume it is an exploit/oversight by the developers, since activating your cloak while you actually HAVE the bomb forces you to drop it.

Except when you cloak you drop the bomb… Nice try though.

Try it… get a ship that cloaks and press F as you are picking up the bomb… you cloak and still have the bomb

If anything you’re cloaked while picking up the bomb, which means no one can stop you from getting the bomb.

Arguably you should not be able to interact with the bomb in any way while cloaked. You have to actively break cloak to pick it up. 

Iv seen people grab the bomb and cloak so… you can cloak. 

This works with MWD’s as well.

That would explain why I often see one of our bases blow up without seeing a enemy near it on the map (which I check frequently in this gamemode).

That would explain why I often see one of our bases blow up without seeing a enemy near it on the map (which I check frequently in this gamemode).


I have had games where all 3 of our bases get taken out like this, it is incredibly frustrating.

That’s a bug then.

Strange, i never saw that happening.