
I’m still ignorant about this game :slight_smile:

So i’d like to know couple of things :slight_smile:

1)Is there anyway we can see ship stats in the shop b4 buying them?

2)Is there any way we can improve ship stats like speed acceleration manouvrability and so on?



  1. This has not been added yet but I think it will be there in the future.

  2. Yes, you can buy modules which increase the stats or fight with the ship so it gets to the next Level.

Really thanx error :slight_smile:

other questions:

1)I can see that i can’t equip T1 stuff on T2 ships…

Is this working like intended or am i doing something wrong?

2)To improve ship stat like speed manouvrability ecc. sahll i use just modules or shalll i unlock skills in the tree too?

thanx again m8

1)There were some bad exploits in the past so this is working as intended now.

2)I think the most efficient is to fight a lot with the ship( If you got to the equip tab you can see the ship Lv and a higher ship Lv improves the stats)

Some times you need to unlock skills to be able to use modules, but every ship got slots for passive modules which increase the ship stats like hull/speed/shield etc.


1)There were some bad exploits in the past so this is working as intended now.

2)I think the most efficient is to fight a lot with the ship( If you got to the equip tab you can see the ship Lv and a higher ship Lv improves the stats)

Some times you need to unlock skills to be able to use modules, but every ship got slots for passive modules which increase the ship stats like hull/speed/shield etc.


Tha m8 :wink:

1)There were some bad exploits in the past so this is working as intended now.

About this i must say that it looks a bit weird and i bought the new t2 ships and sold the old ones…

Now i haven’t got enough money to buy new equipments and i can’t equip old T! stuff on new ships :frowning:

Hiya got another question,

serached among FAQ but couldn’t find an answer:

Once the offiacial game will be out are we going to keep our progresses like

ranks, money, ships ecc. or are we going to loose everything and start all of this again?

Hiya got another question,

serached among FAQ but couldn’t find an answer:

Once the offiacial game will be out are we going to keep our progresses like

ranks, money, ships ecc. or are we going to loose everything and start all of this again?

There is no specific information about that at the moment.

It is not planned, but if there will be some bigger changes during the beta it could happen that there will be a reset.

I have a question.

I have level 3 of reputation on the Armada - Federation, But the shop shows just the ships level 1.

What´s the rule to get better ships?

Maybe you have clicked “Warehouse” by mistake, the shop should show every ship with every rank you need to be able to buy them.

At rank 3 you may be able to buy Tier 1-2 ships, for example Lynx-M (which is more resistant, can be brought to level 3 but has less base speed). At rank 4 you’ll be able to buy Tier 2 ships

I have a question.

I have level 3 of reputation on the Armada - Federation, But the shop shows just the ships level 1.

What´s the rule to get better ships?

On rank you get T1.1 ships, on rank 2 you get T1 premium ships, on rank 3 you get T1.2 ships, on rank 4 you get T2.1 and so on.

On rank you get T1.1 ships, on rank 2 you get T1 premium ships, on rank 3 you get T1.2 ships, on rank 4 you get T2.1 and so on.

Thanks Error.

So i was wondering if i can use my Saitek X52 and Saitek X45 for this game




Thank you


Hej everyone,

apparently I am too stupid to figure out, where to download the mac client.

Could you please tell me where I have to look for it?

