

first i am sorry if my english is bad, i am not a native speaker.


I have some questions related to Star Conflict and probably some of them were already answered but i cannot find any result.


1.) I have bought an Gauss Cannon and a Positron Cannon.

The Gauss Cannon is supposed to be used on Fighter-class ships.

But however… i cannot install them on the Fighter-Ship Hercules or Axe.

Am I missing something?


2.) Is there any Tutorial related to the “free synergy”-System?
I cannot make any sense for myself about that idea. When do i get “free” synergy?
How do i use them? Do i need the “gold” coins to transfere the synergy?


3.) If watching at the matchmaking: What’s going wrong here?
I am playing with my starter ships agains teams with the Ships “Dragon”, “Sword” or something similiar high with Weapons of Rank 2 Mk4. Of course there is no possible chance against such teams with equipment like ours.

Hello and welcome to the forums.


#1: You cannot fit those weapons on Tier 1 ships. You will need higher Tier ships for that. Also, Positron is for frigates only (Guards, Engineers and Long-Ranges frigates).


#2: [Synergy Tutorial](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20808-synergy-how-to-rank-up-on-the-synergy-system/)


#3: Matchmaking will put you in the highest ship tier you have equipped, if you have mixed tiers in your combat slots.

Ok, could you tell me then since when i can equip Gauss cannons?
A list would be nice (i like stat lists  001j.png  )

You can equip Gauss cannons on fighter class ships from Tier 2 onwards.

Ok, then i suppose i have a bug.

I have an Axe-X. I suppose thats tier 3 then?
Because it’s the third in the row of Axe. Or is only the Machete Tier 2?

There are Ranks and there are tiers made out of 3 consequtive ranks:

Rank 1 2 3 = Tier 1

Rank 4 5 6 = Tier 2

Rank 7 8 9 = Tier 3

Rank 10 11 12 = Tier 4

Rank 13 14 15 = Tier 5

1.) I have bought an Gauss Cannon and a Positron Cannon.

The Gauss Cannon is supposed to be used on Fighter-class ships.

But however… i cannot install them on the Fighter-Ship Hercules or Axe.

Am I missing something?

The recommended way to buy equipment for your ship is to double click it to bring up the equipment screen, and then click on the slot you want to change the equipment for, in this case the weapon slot. It will then show you everything that is available for that ship in that tier, and lets you buy new compatible items directly from there if you do not own them yet.

Also note that equipment bought for one tier does not work in another.