Questions to the developers Winter 2020

any info about what the next ellydium ship’s role will be?

ok i have one last question: are the devs looking for people to help translate the game? i’d like to help translate to spanish, since there’s a lot of stuff that hasn’t been translated yet

When will OS sectors be able to be taken back from crystallid control, if ever? I’ve never even seen it happen. (I mean the zones that crystallids are clearly in control of, like Sanctuary and Collapsed Laboratory, not zones that are frequently contested like Felony Border or Monolith Remains—and Sanctuary in particular has a lot of good equipment that newer players can only get by trading now.)

Would you guys pleeeeaase pop up an event to get Boremys / Executor parts after releasing Scylla ? Still no news about these ships, and I’d love to add them to my roster (if not at least the Executor)…


(… 'right, now I know this might not sound very “diplomatic”, but… is there something else planned for next update than just the new engineer (and potential bug fixes) ? ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”))

In the future, others ships have a re-work of their appearances like it was the case for hercule, dvergr, deimos and harpy.


It could be nice  ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

when are they gona implement a ranking system 


can they add an option to choose a map while still beeing in the game instead of sending me back to the hangar given that u have the required resource amunition *

There’s an idea: what about some kind of “centralized” Community event (1-2 weeks should be enough) where the devs would 1# ask players for as many suggestions (not just Equipment/Ship/Weapons balance, but also potential additions to the game) as possible to improve the game before 2# setting up a vote to see which suggestions should  be applied in which order and 3# actually apply those suggestions ??


I mean Yes, of course there’s a forum-section for it… But frankly, that one’s just a silly joke !!! As far as I’m concerned, I’m getting lost in all those sections, some posts have some really good ideas in them (they DO, yes ! ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)) but are outdated nonetheless… and I hardly see any dev / Community manager roam through ALL those categories to pick up the most ambitious/usefull ones… Not much “centralized”, good luck getting it all sorted out


Taking the time to set up such event (step 3# included of course ![:002j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002j.png “:002j:”)) could just be THE kind of impulse this game needs so badly…


P.S.: And I’m still staying to that same point that last update was everything but certainly not a “big” one ! Sorry about that [@ORCA1911](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/254263-orca1911/)… Some of the older updates used to be much more ambitious, you know…

P.P.S.: You dev-guys do realize that game still has some big potential, right ? I mean I almost left it 2 times now, and yet I’m still here ! If this ain’t a sign ! … wouldn’t risk it on a third round though…

P.P.P.S.: won’t you just pleeeeeaaaaassseee (thx very much ?) take those paper-guns back !!! April 1st is already over, and they’re visually wash-(wast)ing all my ships ! Couldn’t find a single one on which it was looking somewhat nice…  ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”) [Edit: what about REALLY infected guns ? Like green-skins, smoking biomorph-fashioned “masses” instead of crab-pincers or… pencils ? ![:dntknw:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/dntknw.gif “:dntknw:”)Alright, true…. THAT should indeed fit in suggestion-section, but at least I know this channel is still being checked regularly…]


Best regards  ![:012j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/012j.png “:012j:”)

On ‎3‎/‎10‎/‎2020 at 3:53 PM, icechocola said:

xenochips are unavailable now?

The activity last to march 10th,isn’t it?

the xenochips is still on sale, the activity didn’t end. But why cant purchase the ship by xenochips again?


gunships‘ overdrive will also increase the weapon spread?

and how often will corp logo be updated into game 


Is there any 16-17 level ships are planned near future?
I mean after “Gunnir”
(Hope recon, covert ops are on the way)


I don’t like pvp and pvp doesn’t interest me especially for having a ship  or have a game of chance to have at the end of a game as in the case of the special operations . will there be more interesting vessels that will be in an event like this with the hammerhead ??

I have two questions: will you add the newest stuff to the atlas? also, is it possible to add more flag stickers? the chilean flag is missing, but still there’s the chile insignia.

What happened to the offensives?

We’re closing in on a month since the Event post went live mentioning the beginning of offensives returning but ever since Warden’s was taken back on the 4th of January there has been none, even after this event post was made.


A sector just recently was rid of aliens. I forget which one tho.

No there hasn’t. There has been no  offensive from humanity’s side since January 4th when Warden’s Outpost Ruins was taken back.

