Questions to the developers of Star Conflict December 2014

Dear conquerors of the Star Conflict Universe!

This topic is designed to collect and organize the players’ questions towards the developers as well as their answers. In order to provide a better overview and easier search, this topics’ priority will be focused on game related content in December 2014.

Answers are usually given daily on weekdays. Developers will read all questions, but questions which are not clearly defined, which are obviously stupid, which are lying on the “surface”, or which violate the rules of the forum, will be ignored and deleted.

How to ask questions:
Formulate your questions as clear as possible. Try to ask only important questions. Use the search function before asking any questions, some questions may have already been answered.

The following rules apply to this thread:

  1. Posts that do not contain any game related questions will be deleted.
  2. This thread is not for suggestions. Any suggestion posted in this thread will be deleted.
  3. Any discussion in this subject will be considered as flame and offtopic and will be punished appropriately.
  4. The questions are asked towards the game developers and therefore only they can respond.
  5. The thread will be cleaned at least once a week. This means that all player posts will be removed and the questions will be added to the developers answers as a quote.
  6. The topic will be closed on the last day of the month and a new will be started for the next month.

1.Will module descriptions be properly rewritten to reflect what happens when you add another like-module beside the first module?


Description: As of current, I believed that anti effects modules would stack. For instance, the 2c implant, along with a proton wall for a 62.2% reduction to anti effect. Since it doesn’t appear to work like this when they stack together, how does it actually work in full?

Please, no formulas without a complete introduction to how they work.


1.5: If possible, I’d like all forumulas to be written in %'s in-game.

Can it be done?



  1. What module types are affected by ‘diminished returns’ when stacked with other like-modules?


  1. Are you guys properly paid for this?

Are the devs going to answer our questions? Been two weeks since the questions was posted.


Maybe they just don’t want to spoil a big surprise, who knows…

Yes, they don’t :slight_smile: It is called Season 2! Most of your questions are logical and very interesting for all of us - “when the rest of the Secret Project ships will be released”, “any news regarding the ‘shipyard’ and Dreadnoughts” and others. We would like to ask you find a little more patience to wait for official news about all new features of the Season 2.


Can you give us any indication when the rest of the Secret Project ships will be released?

What is the average player count during peak hours with this current patch?

Is the 2nd Round Top Aerography contest still being decided, or have the winners already been picked, and we are just waiting for the big reveal during the next patch?

Right now, is your primary goal to create a game that is fun to play, or is your primary goal trying to figure out a way to make the game profitable for the publisher?

And lastly (provided you don’t have a gag-order or NDA) is your development team facing a lot of pressure from the publisher to make the game turn a profit?

Not sure, that some of them will be released very soon.

In order to avoid speculation, we can not provide such information.

Regarding the Aerography contest, you may ask directly in the topic of this event.

As we answered before, we don’t have any pressure from the publisher and, as one team, try make the game fun to play, first of all.


Is there any concept art we can see for new ships?

Any info on when the UERST (Unknown Entity Research and Study Team) will release the ship plans they copied from the alien ship that the Jericho hangar has?

And is there *any* (even within a month) ETA for the shipyard to open?

Unfortunately, not now.




Was it difficult to build a game engine?

-sorry if that question goes against a rule, I’m just curious

Will the economy ingame be revised in future?

(ie: Spatial scanner, price of gear compared to price of upgrading gear)

Not easy. It depends on the game you want to make. And, in general, it becomes hard to remake the existed engine, when you want to add some new features.

Possibly, but can’t give you any info.


Is there any plans to capitalize on the excellent opportunity the Devs have provided with the New PvE mission to Encourage more Group/Squad action.For Example but not limited too.A special Week end Event for PvP that give special rewards for those ins squad ,A faction based mission with extra reward for being in a group,Special patrols in invasion mode with special rewards for being in a group …and i could list allot more.

Yes. We thought about such opportunities, and we want to encourage team play and squads in future to make the game process more interesting and profitable. If you really have some well planned and detailed ideas from your list, we’ll be glad to read it.


1.) Why did you limit 3 purple loot spots rewards for the Special Ops PVE Scenario “Defiler raid” once per 3 days only, instead of being available once per 1 day, like on every other PVE mission/scenario?

Note: I would like you to modify the option for random content from those 3 purple spots, which can provide you with a monocrystal, loyalty vouchers, or internal ship component for Top Secret Projects

and especially, T5 mark V blueprint.

System check on your profile should be made and that system check should provide you with a blueprint you need, or at least significantly increase the chances to get it.

PVP and PVE should stay random.

2.) Did your development team already finished all those Top Secret Projects ship designs?

Note: If so, please provide me with a final model/design/sketch/screenshot, of at least one top secret project ship, to satisfy my curiosity.

I am requesting a T5 “Guard” Top Secret Project ship.

3.) Will you consider an alternative, when it comes to un-obtainable, only available blueprints in Invasion and give us, the players, some other means or requirements to obtain them otherwise?

Note: Majority of the players agrees with me. Choice, not force must be applied to please all sides.

4.) When will you add all the remaining T5 mark V blueprints to the game?

Note: We are missing at least 3 weapon blueprints, which are not included in the workshop, such as Eclipse Launcher, Gravi-Beam and Kinetic Supercharger mark V weapon blueprint designs.

5.) Will you eventually/soon add all of mark V equipment items as well in the workshop?

6.) Is a “Defiler” a Battle/Cruiser of some kind, or is it a dreadnought?

7.) Are you pleased with your current progress of the Shipyard interface, which is planned for the Dreadnoughts and it’s still in development?

8.) Do you have planned any more Special Ops PVE scenarios in the future?

9.) Can this game supports more than 12 players in a squad/wing in the future, if it’s even possible?

10.) What is/was the exact purpose of Monocrystal blueprint and why was it removed?

Note: Item description said, it’s only available in assignments and in the patch notes 1.05/1.06 it was mentioned, that it can be obtained by PVE loot as well.

11.) Internal ship’s components for Top Secret Projects still have a description, which states, that it’s possible to get this item in the destroyed ships in the Invasion, beside getting one in the workshop, which is craftable.

Note: I’ve never encountered such an item in any of the invasion loot and I’ve spent over hundreds of hours in the Invasion.

Care to elaborate?

12.) Will you allow to store at least minimum of 3 items in special cargo loot slots, so that a player can provide certain item to the other player, if that player was offline/unreachable for some reason?

Note: I am not suggesting a trading system, but merely an option, where you could move your loot from the Armory to those special cargo slots, so that you could undock with those items and give them to someone, if need be.

13.) Will you increase cargo/armory storage space to at least 2000 units?

Note: I have a serious problem, because of lack of space and I am selling my excess loot all the time.

14.) Will you increase the maximum amount of loyalty vouchers to 2 million units instead of current 1 million?

Note: I don’t want my contracts to go to waste, when they are maxed again, in case, if I forget to spend them on duplicates.

I can only make duplicates, because everything else is maxed out.

15.) Will you add an option, or introduce a new feature/device to reset/deconstruct the T5 Top Secret Project (once per month/no time limitations), without any penalties to your resources, like monocrystals/materials for

internal ship’s components, with an exception for credits, which were spent on it?

Note: Device similar to duplicator (advanced deconstructor/disassembler) should be used and it should be craftable as well in the workshop for free, as well as purchasable in the shop with GS currency.

I am asking you this, because some balance changes may negatively impact current ship build/setup and prevent players to experiment/test different builds without major penalties to their resources.

Thank you very much for taking your time and effort to answer all of my 15 questions.

Sincerely, Koromac

  1. Questions of the economy are not commented, sorry.

  2. No, not yet.

  3. We may consider the alternative if you give us an offer of what you want to see. Feel free to offer and we’ll discuss it and consider.

  4. When it will be needed.

  5. Not sure.

  6. This is a huge alien ship. Or maybe it’s an alien :slight_smile:

  7. Looks good.

  8. Yes.

  9. This is possible only within the wars of the corporations.

  10. It was an error.

  11. Refers to the ships destroyed by you or by someone else. There you can find the necessary items.

  12. Not planned.

  13. Also not planned.

  14. Can’t give you any info.

  15. Not planned.


Why did developers spend time and money developing an aspect of the game that contributed little to actual gameplay?

What is the combined weight of all staff on the developing team?

How many suggestions that originated on the English forums have the developers implement? Russian forum?

This statement is not true. We can’t give the exact number, but it is more than 0.


  • Will the Jericho snipers be useful again?
  • Will the Spark get it’s hidden energy-bonus removed or get into the description?
  • Is there any chance to decrease the grind in the future?
  • When we get our queue infos back?

Please send us some reasons why Jericho snipers are not useful in the whole gameplay.


We can’t give you any info now, sorry.

Not planned.


Are there any steps being taken to improve ping and packet loss for non-RU players?

If the connection problems non-RU players are experiencing get fixed, will there be more advertising? (Especially in US timezones)

Any ETA of dreadnaughts?

Any ETA or news on other special project ships?

We try to improve the service of our servers, but not everything depends on us, unfortunately.

The process of the advertising in progress.


Not soon.


Are there any plans to revise the ship tech trees? There are several known gaps in it where premium players have the clear advantage (ex. T3 empire gunships).



When will the rest of the secret project ships be added? And if it’s going to be a while, can get get some pics to writhe over?

I promise, if I get some pictures of the SP ships, immediately will show you. Now we don’t have any interesting concept art to publish.

is it possible to do a twist to the pve and make it a little bit more like pvp, for example the pve mission captured dreadnought twisting it a little and making it to a new kind of pvp mission, having one team as usual capturing the objective of the mission and taking out the bots and put another team of players trying to stop the first team from completing there objective, or another example like processing rig having one team of 4 players escorting the transports and the other team of 4 other players trying to take them down, I think that would bring a new kind of battle mode to star conflict

how about a spactial scanner for the idea ( lol just joking guys )

We don’t like the idea mix PvP and PvE. But we constantly monitor these modes to find out what can be improved.


Why has the invasion instance choosing not been fixed since invasion was released.

The problems are as follows:

  • Groups get separated for no reason, even if there is no one inside the instance they have entered.
  • Creates a whole new instance just for 1 pilot in a group.
    If the instance is optimized to use less instances, don’t you think it could reduce the amount of server usage there is, therefore saving costs?


Please make a report in the [special section](< base_url >/index.php?/forum/213-bug-report-section/). We will fix it.

When will we get those teaser pictures of the rest of the craftable ships?

And when will shipyard be open? (With or without dreadnaughs)

When it will be ready.



My questions are about the region select.


I’ve played about 10 games this morning, NON of them in the region I had selected.


The reason for me to select the region Europe, is because I’ll get huge amounts of packet-loss which is considered: unplayable.


My ship starts to fly in circles, doesnt shoot when asked to and shoots when NOT asked to.


Why is it not possible for us to lock the region?


Either remove the function at all or repair it?

This function allows reduce waiting.


On the Neuroaccelerator “SR - PRO”  (12c implant)

Does it increase 25% of the shield regeneration based on how much it has at the time, or by the base regeneration.

For instance - If I have 340 shield regeneration per second, does that increase it by 25% of 340, or does it

increase it by 25% of, say, 108.


(Not to be confused with simply adding regeneration from a shield booster s.)

First, add up all the modifiers, then the result is applied to the base value. Implant is one of the modifiers. So the answer is 340.



Is it planned to implement Japanese support into the game?



there is news to increase the cargoships ??



Why is the English Community being left out this much?

Staff has reacted nearly 20 times on Russian questions, yet we don’t have a single answer

Is this going to be changed in the future?

Feels like we’re being left out (a lot!)

Yes, and we are sorry about it. And no, you are not being left out :wink:


Is there any interest in increasing developer activity on English forums, English Steam Page, Facebook, etc. to try to counter the negative feedback spiral?



Will practice mode be reintroduced? (Client-side, unlike custom battles)


I ask this as I 've adapted how I fly to cope with minor lag (a ping of 300-400) but I no longer know how to fly without it.

Not planned, but we’ll consider your offer.

Will you move Loki to T5?



What he said.




Will the new Christmas weapons stick after Christmas like last Christmas’s weapons (kinetic supercharger, gravy beam, eclipse cannon)?

We don’t know yet :slight_smile:

Why was salvaging nerfed? Salvaging upgrade kits was the only way to get decent amounts of crafting gear for Secret Projects, and now it seems to give nothing but metal blanks!


Also, why was the day 5 login reward changed?

Will the drop chance of Blueprints from the purple node be in pve be upped?




* I haven’t gotten one since the removal of the monocrystal Blueprint and I’m not sure if its just RNG hating me or if the chance is just that slim.

where specifically can I find a mark V T5 Ion beam blueprint? My search for one actually caused me to step away from the game for a series of months after I burned out on farming and scavenging, but I really need one so I can become maximum unstoppable.

Will there be more paint colours added into the ship customization menu?





* I haven’t gotten one since the removal of the monocrystal Blueprint and I’m not sure if its just RNG hating me or if the chance is just that slim.


RNG does not like you :stuck_out_tongue: I have quite a few from PvE (t5 purple loot)

Is there a way we can get an option to have a region locked search for skirmish? Some of us would prefer to wait for our selected region than to end up in a region where we cannot play due to lag and latency issues

Was this really necessary?




Every player, especially new ones were happy, that they could get 1 day boost during the weekend, at least. Now it’s gone. Why did you make such a decision and why are you less and less generous with already scarce rewards?

Are there plans for Polish translation?

Currently no.

This topic is not for suggestions. Use the suggestion forum.

Hello everybody,


I hope it’s not to late to ask two little questions here.



Have you any plans to add a possiblity to get loyalty points in the open universe?



Have you any plans to add more content in the open universe?  More quests, open events, open boss fights or simply exploration goals.



Thanks for the time you spend to answer our questions.

I have looked but been unable to find the step or steps necessary to TURN OFF the HUD with all its various marks on the screen. The graphics in open space (Invasion) are absolutely stunning, and I desire to take screenshots of the amazing vistas which I find as I explore all the various parts of space reachable by my ships. I wish those screenshots to be “clean”… with no maps or range marks or jump gate markers or other “non-natural” elements. 


I have looked but have not been able to find any means of “scrolling forward” completely into 1st person view so that no portion of my ship is visible on the screen. I’ve been able to roll forward into the “sniper” (zoom image) view which magnifies the front of my ship and the enemy ship(s)… but I’d hoped to be able to get into 1st person view so that I can take screenshots without any evidence of my ship or my presence in the photograph.


Is it possible to do either of these things at this point in time?


If not, are there any plans to implement either of these capabilities?


Thanks in advance for providing the answers in a timely manner.

I have looked but been unable to find the step or steps necessary to TURN OFF the HUD with all its various marks on the screen. The graphics in open space (Invasion) are absolutely stunning, and I desire to take screenshots of the amazing vistas which I find as I explore all the various parts of space reachable by my ships. I wish those screenshots to be “clean”… with no maps or range marks or jump gate markers or other “non-natural” elements. 




I have looked but have not been able to find any means of “scrolling forward” completely into 1st person view so that no portion of my ship is visible on the screen. I’ve been able to roll forward into the “sniper” (zoom image) view which magnifies the front of my ship and the enemy ship(s)… but I’d hoped to be able to get into 1st person view so that I can take screenshots without any evidence of my ship or my presence in the photograph.


Not that I know of

Are the developers working in any kind of replay system? So we can review our games like in other games akin to this (warthunder, world of tanks)

Are there going to be some more experimental ships coming out soon (1-2 months)?