questions about the Frigate

So what is its role in the game? anyone used them yet? and are they usefull or just a bigger target to dance around?

So what is its role in the game? anyone used them yet? and are they usefull or just a bigger target to dance around?

Surely, i did. They are very useful, especially in pair with an interceptor - u can kill very far away enemies (use F bottom to enable this function).

frigates are like the other ships capable of doing everything if the pilot can handle the ship right :stuck_out_tongue:

frigates are like the other ships capable of doing everything if the pilot can handle the ship right :stuck_out_tongue:

uuuh… with speed and rate-of-turning issue, not mention very fat size… sure… try outrun an interceptor /sacrasm

IMO , nope… each ship type despite can be hybridize with right skill (try make sniper interceptor with laser tree or shotgun frigate with energy tree?) , they still pretty much cant subtitute each other main role due their unique build-in abilities… interceptor still about quick-strike, fighter is bombard-and-dissapear , and frigate covering-fire

except… there’s in future gonna available ship / equipment that swapping those unique abilities

uuuh… with speed and rate-of-turning issue, not mention very fat size… sure… try outrun an interceptor /sacrasm

ok maybe not outrun but surely outsmart / outgun

as you said each ship can be used in various ways…some people using their frigates as battering rams…

question to the admins: when is a post considered as a violation of the cbt silence agreement?

ok maybe not outrun but surely outsmart / outgun

as you said each ship can be used in various ways…some people using their frigates as battering rams…

question to the admins: when is a post considered as a violation of the cbt silence agreement?

I think everything which belongs to gameplay and game information should stay in beta forums.

well the frig is suppose to be a dmg dealer and oc it will turn so but thats what you would exspect from a tanker

question to the admins: when is a post considered as a violation of the cbt silence agreement?

I think everything which belongs to gameplay and game information should stay in beta forums.

Right u are. No screens, no exact talks about the game.

I will close this thread, because you will get more information when you get into beta.