Questions about EVO.

So i do not really know what EVO is…

So i got some questions about it.

 1. Is EVO a corporation if so? What happened with it?

 2. Who is Uhmari and why he got -67 on his reputation on the forums?

 3. People are saying that EVO was 1st on the leaderboards is it true?


People who knows the answers please post it. Good luck and see you in space.  :salute:


Plz dont desecrate corpses.  :what:



  1. Yes it died. 

  2. CEO of EVO

  3. Leaderboards are biased forget about them.


For better Infos you might ask Oryngton…  and sacrifice a goat  :Dwop

[EVO] was one of the greatest corporations of the 0.7.0 era. About a month after I started playing, they vanished from the leaderboards near-immediately and dispersed. [EVO], or Evolution, from what little I remember of them, were comprised largely of EVE Online players. I guess the game stopped being good for them. Sadly, many players would think they’d be right to quit.



In its place, other corps vied for supremacy, until there was the great Dynamis. And they too, fell from grace.

So i do not really know what EVO is…

So i got some questions about it.

 1. Is EVO a corporation if so? What happened with it?

 2. Who is Uhmari and why he got -67 on his reputation on the forums?

 3. People are saying that EVO was 1st on the leaderboards is it true?


People who knows the answers please post it. Good luck and see you in space.  :salute:

  1. It was. It got disbanded as its membership stopped playing after the ship revamp patch.


  1. Uhmari was our CEO in EVO and he has -67 because the vast majority of the people in this community didn’t agree with his ideas for changes in the game, no matter how sane or logical they were (plus all the hate for our dominion in PvP).


  1. We were. And dominating with roughly 150k points ahead of everyone else.



[EVO] was one of the greatest corporations of the 0.7.0 era. About a month after I started playing, they vanished from the leaderboards near-immediately and dispersed. [EVO], or Evolution, from what little I remember of them, were comprised largely of EVE Online players. I guess the game stopped being good for them. Sadly, many players would think they’d be right to quit.



In its place, other corps vied for supremacy, until there was the great Dynamis. And they too, fell from grace.

Most of EVO quit after the mixed Tiers bull. Then it was a mere handful of us trying to hold our place in 1st but were quickly surpassed by corps like Dynamis who enforced numbers on the battlefield.


And that tendency is still visible today. Corps with 150 members will ALWAYS be on 1st place.

Uhmari was paranoid and kicked people out of the corp because they were ‘spies’. Most of the other people in evo however were really nice people and fun to fly with.

Uhmari was paranoid and kicked people out of the corp because they were ‘spies’.

Nop. Uhmari got selective and kicked all non-T3 pilots or below high-end T2. He also kicked folks with low activity (3 days inactive).

Lets just settle on one small criticism.

Uhmari still had Eveoiditis at that time.


I know it, because I had that once too. Eve is pretty brainwash, and it’s somehow a cool part of that game. It is the game, which constantly promises a virtual world, but you never find it fun to play it, which is basicly okay to most elder Eve Online players, but sometimes creates a whish-vs-reality burn-out in the game; they have whole forums with rage around this. Also, Eve does trigger Paranoia and Illusions of Grandure;

I always marveled at Eve as being the best MMO-RPG ever created, and the most influential game on modern balancing actually.


I was one of the guys who “smashed” one of his ideas (open universe), as you might remember, but only on a technical level, and not with purpose, especially not, because I would love such a game too. Which is still, where he was a bit dreaming, and might find more closer games to that like Star Citizen or especially Elite Dangerous - however none of these two will really have exactly the same; 

I did however not really know what I was getting into, because I actually really just tried to respond to that one part, and suddenly that thread - and others - exploded in rage; Rage which still lingers, and I’d like to lay it rest with this small piece of text-sh.


To say, “however sane he tried to argue it” is polite. The problem is, if you don’t listen, while you talk, nobody will care, even if some of the points are valid. And he did have valid points. But mixed it with points, which were too far fetched or influenced, by Eve.


Many Eve Players crave for an Eve which works likes this game; I did never downvote him, and read all his posts more than once; I guess it was really bad luck.

But it is hard to leave Eve behind, if it comes to the communityplay that game has. Eventually, Eve will develop their Oculus Rift Fighter game maybe, so they can enjoy twitch based combat too somewhen? But it seems CCP aint going away from it’s core MMO style, they can hardly cope with higher playerloads already without creating some kind of Matrix-Game with 1fps. So players seek.


Also, I would not blame anybody after playing one-two years of Eve of being suspicious of spies in Corps. That is really daily gameplay in Eve. And it is pretty serious there, I would not dare to laugh at that, I would find it even fascinating, if people don’t encounter betrayal at least once in the first year on some level.

Uhmari clearly helped me recognize in my own thinking about games, how far my own Eve past has changed my expectations, and actually, I started to enjoy SC as it was because of his position drawing out this contrast; Before DayZ hit me back then, I was deeply into Eve, so it helped me to decide, not to go back anymore.


But in the end, I would say, it is history, and instead of criticizing it, lets remember the story of EVO in it’s good way, especially the part, where it was #1.


EVO btw. is pretty similar to “EvE Online”…


I would actually hope, Uhmari comes back and gives this game another shot. If I was offending to him, or you, Oryngton, because of that past, I hope we can bygones be bygones. Sorry if I take this opportunity, but it lingered around in my head a while. Now it’s out, no further comment.

Nop. Uhmari got selective and kicked all non-T3 pilots or below high-end T2. He also kicked folks with low activity (3 days inactive).


Yes he did that but he also kicked some active pilots who had perfectly fine ship with the excuse that they were spies (ex. vin and drahkar)

Yes he did that but he also kicked some active pilots who had perfectly fine ship with the excuse that they were spies (ex. vin and drahkar)

Vin got kicked because Uhmari told him NOT to record matches where he was playing with officers. Vin didn’t get kicked for spying, he got kicked because he didn’t follow the nº1 rule in EVO: don’t tell our tactics. I don’t even remember Drahkar…


@ g4borg: Yeah, true, he did try to make an EvE copy out of this game, but some of his ideas were very sound. Also, EvE has already completely bypassed lag entirely by implementing Time Distortion. The game just slows down so the servers can cope with the loads and relay the data to all clients currently connected to that area. Here, however, you still get those shiny massive lag spikes that makes your ships stutter for half a minute. But yes, Uhmari did bash the open universe key all the time.

Vin got kicked because Uhmari told him NOT to record matches where he was playing with officers. Vin didn’t get kicked for spying, he got kicked because he didn’t follow the nº1 rule in EVO: don’t tell our tactics. I don’t even remember Drahkar…

well that’s not what he told everyone else lol

@Time Dilation

I was actually calling Time Dilation the Matrix-Game, also player reports indicate after the last big skirmish (which was all over the news or on mittani just some weeks ago), with that many ships on the screen, you can basicly not use your ingame screen anymore, even on decent pcs. I am still well informed about Eve, I did not leave it as interest, only as player :slight_smile:

That’s why I say, they ‘barely’ handle it. It is an awful lot of data on a single client, if you see 4k players, just count the drones they produce :smiley:

Of course, that is an exception, Time Dilation actually does work quite nice, since they do not crash the simulation, only the clients might. We already saw that at Jita Protests, I was one of the lucky ones who could see the peak of the laser spectacle live there while the access gates were closed, and I was also part of several drone region alliances, so as the Russians started their civil war between solar and legion, one of the major wars after the TD patch, I had plenty of time in slo-mo. :smiley:


totally off topic uninteresting eveoitis.

Yeah back when the leaderboards were cumulative instead of constantly decreasing per hour, EVO held the #1 spot in everything…and I do mean everything.  PvP, PvE…they even beat out Syndicate and ESB for the top honors.  


Uhmari was in a good position to positively influence the direction of the game development but I think all that power went to his head a little.  No biggies…if the leaderboards had never been reset they’d still probably be #1 in a few categories and Uhmari might not have ragequit.  I see that as the real reason behind the downfall of EVO…and I’m sure the rise of Zerg Corps didn’t help matters at all either.

Was not Vin telling that on the update board himself? :slight_smile:

Uhmari himself claimed Vin was a spy on the boards, and never said anything about kicking him for recording matches. Oryngton’s claim is news to me. Uhmari repeatedly said he had “indisputable proof” that Vin was a spy for another corp, though of course never produced any such proof.


My favorite Uhmari incident was the time he entered DYN’s private, passworded TS (which he found out the info for through his own use of spies) and went on a rambling/screaming rant at myself and a few other DYN officers for 5+ minutes.

Uhmari himself claimed Vin was a spy on the boards, and never said anything about kicking him for recording matches. Oryngton’s claim is news to me. Uhmari repeatedly said he had “indisputable proof” that Vin was a spy for another corp, though of course never produced any such proof.


My favorite Uhmari incident was the time he entered DYN’s private, passworded TS (which he found out the info for through his own use of spies) and went on a rambling/screaming rant at myself and a few other DYN officers for 5+ minutes.


If i recall didn’t he sound like a whiney 13 yr old boy who hadn’t hit puberty yet?

I do believe that was him. Pity I didn’t record it.

Uhmari himself claimed Vin was a spy on the boards, and never said anything about kicking him for recording matches. Oryngton’s claim is news to me. Uhmari repeatedly said he had “indisputable proof” that Vin was a spy for another corp, though of course never produced any such proof.


My favorite Uhmari incident was the time he entered DYN’s private, passworded TS (which he found out the info for through his own use of spies) and went on a rambling/screaming rant at myself and a few other DYN officers for 5+ minutes.

I heard of that incident, I thought he was joking.


Edit: the official statement about Vin, iirc, is “for running a big mouth and recording everything”.


If i recall didn’t he sound like a whiney 13 yr old boy who hadn’t hit puberty yet?

He did not. 16, maybe.

I was kicked for spying far as I knew. I had permission to record as long as the recorded players agreed, which all did or I wouldn’t have uploaded. Then I brought out Intricate as an evo spy on the boards and he removed everyone off Dyn2s roster lol. Anyway. Good times.

Just to add, I’m cool with everyone in SC since January minus uhmari. Says something.