[question] component of destroyers

my english not good so i hope you guy can understand, and this is my question

  1. in pvp & pve is all map have the same component ? if not then please tell me component of each map 

  2. is all component can be found in pvp & pve ?

  3. is ship part can be found in pvp & pve & open world ? ( i have some ship part, except destroyer structure, but i can’t remember where i have it )

  4. i have read about rank &  synergy lv affect on the presence of some component in pve & pvp, please tell detail

Ok,let’s see if I can answer these properly:


1)If you mean the Neodium or Beryllium drops from post-battle loot search,yes they are the same but they matter with the ranks you play,rank 8 fully leveled ships can get you neodium(impure),while on the other hand,the rank 11 fully leveled ships can get you beryllium(still impure).


2)Only Neodium and Beryllium.The other parts have to be crafted out of other materials as they can be found in loot searches, or OS(Open Space),or salvaged out of mk2 or mk4 modules or kits,but only as raw parts.(except for slavaging)


3)Ship parts can be only found in high tier Special Ops loot searches or manufactured out of materials and monocrystals.


4)Its just that,fully leveled ships can get you those drops,no matter if they are standard or premium,as much as they are the right tier,they also count for premium ship parts,but they are not worth grinding(maybe Brokk thou…)

Check this guide.

i still have question:

in pvp pve, is loot component depend on map or all map have the same change ?

what component require what rank & max lv or not ? ( i need all information about that )

such as rank 8 & only max lv can open neodium

rank 11 max lv : beryllium

i still have question:

in pvp pve, is loot component depend on map or all map have the same change ?

what component require what rank & max lv or not ? ( i need all information about that )

such as rank 8 & only max lv can open neodium

rank 11 max lv : beryllium

PvP and PvE match isn’t dependent on the map, but only on the ship, which must be either rank 8 (neodium ore or plate), or rank 11 (beryllium ore or rod).

All such ships must be of Elite rank or level, otherwise they won’t count towards your sought rare loot drops.

If you can, also equip 3-4 ship slots of the same rank.

Maybe this option no longer applies in recent update (chance increase for sought loot), but play only with 1 equipped ship.


Summary: (ships must be fully ranked up)

Note: (more ships of the same rank may increase your loot drops chances - not sure, if this rule still applies)

Ships of rank 7 will provide Archelon’s parts.

Ships of rank 8 will provide neodium ore or plate.

Ships of rank 11 will provide beryllium ore or rod.

Ships of rank 10 will provide Stingray’s parts.

Ships of rank 13 will provide Brokk’s parts.