question about weapons and ship types

whats the best way to determine the best loadout for each ship??

whats the best way to determine the best loadout for each ship??

The colour of the modules; purple is best, then blue/gold, then green, then Mk II grey, then Mk I grey.


As to what specific modules you fit on the ship, the answer is “whatever works best for you.” Modules are meant to be a big part of what gives each role their distinct style, and so if you are not using a module you need to look at why, and whether you can swap it for a module that will see use.

Yeah I played around with different loadouts with different ships until I streamlined each ship according to my style. The cool thing about this game is we could both have for example Covert Ops Interceptors but my loadout would drive you nuts but some other loadout would work well for you.

As others have said, there is no best loadout as it depends on your playstyle. Take my Hydra 2 (T2, Empire engineer frigate) for instance. I have it built with (for active modules) shield and hull regen along with warpgate and (passive modules) hull tanking and weapon spread reduction. Weapon-wise, pulse lasers and minefield + EM missiles. I am basically a close range (pulse lasers’ max range = 1.6km), high DPS, hull tanking, buffing, support frigate.

Most frigates tend to use medium or long range weapons and if I gave them my ship, they’d struggle to use it whereas I am actually quite good with it to the point where I regularly rank within the top half of my team.

As others have said, there is no best loadout as it depends on your playstyle. Take my Hydra 2 (T2, Empire engineer frigate) for instance. I have it built with (for active modules) shield and hull regen along with warpgate and (passive modules) hull tanking and weapon spread reduction. Weapon-wise, pulse lasers and minefield + EM missiles. I am basically a close range (pulse lasers’ max range = 1.6km), high DPS, hull tanking, buffing, support frigate.

Most frigates tend to use medium or long range weapons and if I gave them my ship, they’d struggle to use it whereas I am actually quite good with it to the point where I regularly rank within the top half of my team.

Aye. I use Hail Plasma with acceleration coils, and I’m a pretty good shot with them at mid range. Unless you’re trying hard to jink, I can and probably will hit you several times as max charge. I still use the Raptor and yet I can consistently rank in the top half of my team as keeping my distance and knowing when to pop my modules really does make a difference.

whats the best way to determine the best loadout for each ship??


In general you have to note this. 

Frigates are long range, equip accordingly. 

Fighters are medium range, equip accordingly. 

Interceptors are short range, equip accordingly.