Pyro Emitter still not fixed

At this point I figured that devs just don’t care, but let’s try reporting  this bug again.

Pyro Emitter is USELESS, does NO DAMAGE, it does NOT work, AT ALL, as it used to be. It’s been 3+ weeks now and it’s still BROKEN. Fix it, PLEASE!

It does little initial damage when I press the button, but there is NO continuous damage while the beam is up. That’s the problem, it just does nothing now. Even when I’m being fired at with Pyro Emitter, I receive absolutely no damage. I could swim in the beam for it’s full duration and it wouldn’t hurt me.

10 minutes ago, MiniCoflict said:

At this point I figured that devs just don’t care, but let’s try reporting  this bug again.

Pyro Emitter is USELESS, does NO DAMAGE, it does NOT work, AT ALL, as it used to be. It’s been 3+ weeks now and it’s still BROKEN. Fix it, PLEASE!

It does little initial damage when I press the button, but there is NO continuous damage while the beam is up. That’s the problem, it just does nothing now. Even when I’m being fired at with Pyro Emitter, I receive absolutely no damage. I could swim in the beam for it’s full duration and it wouldn’t hurt me.

logs, screenshots, videos, any proof ?


I’ve just been killed today by Pyro, and it clearly did more then just the initial damage.

52 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

logs, screenshots, videos, any proof ?


I’ve just been killed today by Pyro, and it clearly did more then just the initial damage.

Want me to show it to you in custom game? You will take a T3 guard or archon with lotsa shields.

Edit: video proof should be appearing soon by a friend, here or in a new topic.


You Need to fill a bug report correctly: Bug Report Guideline

Swifter43021 is right. You need to post some proofs, aside from giving more info.

1 hour ago, MiniCoflict said:

At this point I figured that devs just don’t care, but let’s try reporting  this bug again.

Where did you do that?

These are good examples of reporting and maybe related, or were you playing a custom battle?



Skula1975 is on vacation. Please, be patient!

Pyro emitter’s “initial damage” radius is massive compared to the actual beam’s radius. This may be your problem, as even if the target in within the initial radius, it may not be in the actual beam’s radius.

There should be a video popping up about this soon.

16 minutes ago, MiniCoflict said:

There should be a video popping up about this soon.

There is, I made one in my bug report.

Just check for bugs, or do the one yourself.

Tl:dr - Pyro’s bigger beam has broken hitbox.