1. Description of the problem, what happened.
Squad mate of the squad leader does not have the ship rank restriction applied to their ships. Squad leader has rank 11 / 12 ships equipped, his squad mate has ships as low as rank 3 equipped.
2. What did you expected to happen.
The squad mate should have the same restrictions applied as the squad leader
3. The conditions during the situation.
Normal PvP Skirmish
4. Further details on the issue.
5. Frequency of occurrence.
Seen this a few times, here is one account where I saved the logs. It is the last game in the log files
6. Logs + [screenshots](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/18799-how-to-takepost-screenshots/) or a video (Including a description of the issue, where to and how to reproduce it)
Just squad up, the leader has highest rank ship of 15, squad mate has lowest rank ship for rank 1, when entering a match, squad mate will be able to use the rank 1 ship, it will not be greyed out.
7. If possible, the time when it happend. In this case we will be able to look more closely to the server logs. Also mention your time zone.
Unsure when, it will be in the log files below (last match in the log files)
[Squad Rank Bug.zip](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=8857)