PVP divided into two different queues

Hi there :wink:


Today there was an interesting discussion about pvp gameplay on the [topic about 1.2 patch](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/28094-star-conflict-v12-discussion/).

There was people interested by a pure chaos game and other interested in teamwork based game.

So I had the idea to create a second queue for people wanting to play with organization. I warn you, this is totally copied from League of legends but it is the only system that I know and is working.



On the first queue: Blind pick

  • Does not change from currently
  • New players come into the game by waves
  • Text warning people that they are entering a game without ~real~ teamwork

On the second queue: Draft pick

  • Copy the draft mode from league of legends
  • Games cannot start without the correct amount of players: 5v5/10v10/…we can create any type of scenario ^^
  • Bigger rewards multiplicator for playing in this gamemode because there is a meta to respect and for inciting people to play with tactics and teamwork.


I hope this idea will be took into consideration and help developping the community ^^

Of course the Draft queue will have longer waiting time before a game, but I don’t really care because at least it is clear that the blind is blind and for pure chaos games so I won’t rage for no team work since I picked blind!


Also immagine people seing adds and mails about a brand new draft mode for star conflict?! “Damn? A draft mode? Sounds fun :D”

A nice idea, but in the end this might lead back to increased queue times.

Hello Error :smiley:


For people having the will of doing teamwork games, this won’t be a problem to swap queue for Draft even with long queue ^^

The majority of players will stay in Blind mode, I am pretty sure of it and so the waiting time will not change enought to be unplayable :wink:


The thing is to make those two queue differents to warn the player what is he entering in: does he wants to pewpewpew or to play following a meta?

Currently for meta based games we do have dreadnought battles and tournaments but those are only events :confused: Making something stable should be better ^^


Also this could attract more player like I said: 

Also immagine people seing adds and mails about a brand new draft mode for star conflict?! “Damn? A draft mode? Sounds fun :D”

So your problem about queue time would resolve by itself ^^

Hello Error :smiley:


For people having the will of doing teamwork games, this won’t be a problem to swap queue for Draft even with long queue ^^

The majority of players will stay in Blind mode, I am pretty sure of it and so the waiting time will not change enought to be unplayable :wink:


The thing is to make those two queue differents to warn the player what is he entering in: does he wants to pewpewpew or to play following a meta?

Currently for meta based games we do have dreadnought battles and tournaments but those are only events :confused: Making something stable should be better ^^


Also this could attract more player like I said: 

So your problem about queue time would resolve by itself ^^


I don’t think you realize that the people who desire more team-oriented gameplay are in the minority? The majority of the player base didn’t like how long the queue times were, which is why the devs changed the system to one where games are easier to get, and it is working, the longest queue time I’ve had so far (solo-queueing) is 2 minutes. Whereas prior to that, solo-queueing could result in wait times over 5 minutes.


As succesful as the draft mode in LoL is, it wouldn’t really work in Star Conflict. Star Conflict’s player base is far too low. I for one am all for improved team-play in this game, but if I have to pick between more teamwork and more games, I would pick more games.

HEY! I Agree!! Don’t misunderstand!!


This is only pure informational for the player that he have to know what kind of queue he enters in D:


With adds and mails, this game can get more players like I said, with a big news like the possibility to organize events of Custom Draft matches between corporations that will definitly work! :smiley:

HEY! I Agree!! Don’t misunderstand!!


This is only pure informational for the player that he have to know what kind of queue he enters in D:


With adds and mails, this game can get more players like I said, with a big news like the possibility to organize events of Custom Draft matches between corporations that will definitly work! :smiley:

The majority will still prefere fast queues and big battles and the 2nd queue will remain a constant issue.

This won’t be added.

The discussion on the patch have taken another way now. It approves the multiple solutions, mine about waves included, and I am happy with it :slight_smile:


I will now explain to all why I did immagine this other queue:

I asked for having waves of players with timer for backup in spectator instead of spawning them randomly so we can ADAPT our gameplay when new people comes into the battle because we know they are coming! I added that it was killing the current teamwork remaining in star conflict to spawn randomly players during a battle and to have games starting with 1x1 or 2x2.

When I proposed it, everyone said that they prefered the current chaos and that the teamwork never existed.

So I imagined another queue for player wanting meta-based gameplay.


This is the global feedback from older players but they finally agreed with the multiple solutions like I said but not for the part about teamwork. I highlighted in red the interesting parts. The global message is interesting so I let it :slight_smile: The solutions g4borg is refering are [here](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/28094-star-conflict-v12-discussion/?p=334836).


The chaos is part of the game. It is the greatest fun, once you see this puzzle, and sometimes a chaos is a welcome opportunity to good support play. How to push your team didn’t change, and the chaos wasn’t smaller without hot joins, which other pilots also tried to tell, from experience.


Other than that, I agree, that 2vs2 is not a good start, but this has already been stated, as have been several bugs, like entering a finished game; What has been removed is some strategic element, yes, how the opening looks, but you can still ensure that with queuing as squad, to have a basic support/attack structure. In the end, the games are often quite full, which makes it seem more chaotic, but as I said, this is in reality just an opportunity, to train, especially tactically (so short term decisions).

I agree to all the solutions making the new MM also fair in the gamemodes, and tuning the mechanics to cope with this, but I disagree about some mysterious loss of quality; For one, this quality is still here, if you see a T5 game popping up, where each player is a vet, and you see quite well how they are going for good openings, for the other, you always had a few players per team, or sometimes a whole team, taking random stuff, and instead of going for objectives, mindlessly fly into the swarm. It is even something I would encourage, since it is a good way to learn from mistakes, I would just advise, maybe to sometimes learn from them and try it another way. And finally, you still have Dreads and Tourneys, where pre-made teams play fixed games and strategies (long term decisions like team loadout and composition).


Finally, it was intended by me to make the post not as a reply, since maybe someone is fishing the forums for thoughts, so this individual might be interested in my point of view. So, no, it wasn’t a direct reply, but mostly at the discussion itself, so not all sentences were directly directed at you, I do not even know who you are, why should I criticize you personally? Chillax. Here, have a mouse, I just regurgitated it, basicly fresh.



Now that the current state is clear, I can explain my point of view for the random spawn being teamwork-killing:

On my point, this turn out to be pitched battles favouriting a single side instead of teamwork and older players seems to love it… People prefer when this is a mess instead of being strategic…snif… T.T What kind of sadist can like a game wich the issue is not made by players but by Matchmaker random spawns?

Did you see the amount of troll in the last contest about teamwork-cartoon???

But don’t be afraid, now everyone seems to agree with the waves system and it should solve this personal problem by the same way ^^


Okay, We can close this topic now that everything is clear and is going further in the good direction >:)

Maybe one day when there will be more players we will think about it again :smiley: