Increase synergy gain to that of the current PVP gain.

give 100k drops when searching for loot in T2+. (It will alleviate credit needs when trying to actually upgrade your ships

while progressing through each new ship) Increase turret damage, but slow the shots that are fired, so it’s easier to dodge.

Give us some pve maps within structures like the pirate base like a battle within a very large hangar, for instance.

Or a station that is, more or less, close to hollow. Or this - A station which was torn into two large pieces. with many areas big enough for a frigate to fly through and even some only big enough for an interceptor. With many scattered areas around the carcass. (for pvp/pve/invasion)

can you explain why?

i would never change a running system  :001j:

Anything that reduces the current grind is welcome.

Putting more synergy in pve will let people feel less obligated to be forced into pvp if they do not wish to.

They shouldn’t be penalized for wanting to fight AI more than they wish to fight humans.

These days, you can get 12m credits in invasion within 80 minutes. 

PVE is now, more or less, somewhat vague in terms of rewards.

Something needs to be increased, be it credits or synergy.

I suggest synergy because sometimes you want a 100% chance of actually getting a good amount of synergy for your allies when using

tactical software.  It just seems like such a petty amount, even in T5.

I do fully agree with WolfKhan!


PvP from Tier 3 on is grinding at its worst at the moment.

Orange equipped PremiumShips played by people with a rating of above 1500 against green-equipped not fully leveled ships.


And: I like and liked PVE at all times in StarConflict.

However the difficulty increase recently makes flying with randoms very difficult.

At least it should be more rewarding; i think it should be more or more the twice or triple amount of synergy and it would be fine.

Then there would be a nice alternative to PvP-Grinding.

The pve nerf was pretty hard… the t3-5 pve used to give you 300k without a license and 500k with. I think it’s now 100k for T2-3 Pve and T4-5 is a struggle just to complete with randoms but the reward is that of the old T3 pve.

It took me half an hour to complete T5 Ice Belt (three tries) with an alright squad, only to receive 300K at the end, minuse about 100K repairs + ammo an the cost of two duplicators.


To put it plainly I was disgusted and since then I have only done one PVE mission, which  was Crimson Haze, one of the easier ones.  I can’t even be bothered doing my daily anymore, it’s not worth the effort.


So yeah I totally agree with WolfKahn

what i also miss is Teamwork, ex i love runing on longrange ship, but, with out having someone covering me, my ship get blown up fast. and some seems to have no idea what to do, and just fly around aimlesly. on some parts noone seems to get to destroy enemy defense turrets wich make life easyer.
People should put a bit more effort into assisting the teammates.

It took me half an hour to complete T5 Ice Belt (three tries) with an alright squad, only to receive 300K at the end, minuse about 100K repairs + ammo an the cost of two duplicators.


To put it plainly I was disgusted and since then I have only done one PVE mission, which  was Crimson Haze, one of the easier ones.  I can’t even be bothered doing my daily anymore, it’s not worth the effort.


So yeah I totally agree with WolfKahn

with good team everything is very easy. current content support teamplay with corp/guild.

and with friends you play this game longer    :01111:

It does not support teamwork. It requires teamwork, but does not support it.

Warframe is my new game of choice, and that game does a lot of subtle things to emphasise how important it is to stick together. They include:

  1. Reviving downed allies is free.

  2. Certain parts of the level require multiple players to activate switches to progress (disabled in solo play).

  3. When you open a chest, it can drop loot that you can’t see or collect but one of your allies can.

  4. Over-levelled players can come back to earlier missions to help weaker players beat them.

All of this helps foster teamwork and cooperation. Star Conflict is abandoning this line of thinking entirely.

It does not support teamwork. It requires teamwork, but does not support it.

Warframe is my new game of choice, and that game does a lot of subtle things to emphasise how important it is to stick together. They include:

  1. Reviving downed allies is free.

  2. Certain parts of the level require multiple players to activate switches to progress (disabled in solo play).

  3. When you open a chest, it can drop loot that you can’t see or collect but one of your allies can.

  4. Over-levelled players can come back to earlier missions to help weaker players beat them.

All of this helps foster teamwork and cooperation. Star Conflict is abandoning this line of thinking entirely.

i play warframe nearly every day since release. you can do (nearly) everything alone.

but you cant do it in star conflict. you need team for everything. so its hard to compare

It’s not that hard to compare. Look at how a 4-man Warframe Mission compares to a 4-man PvE mission here.

One interesting thing I note though is how WF’s classes are mainly focused on the individual, not how the individual interacts with the rest of the team. In that regard Star Conflict is better, but more should be done to emphasise that you are working as a collective, not just individuals with the same objective.

So… what now?
That was a nice idea in this thread.

Many users posted, they really would like to have PVE that way and now we’re gonna let that thread fade away to nothingness?

Guys, make more posts, send it to the Devs, to your friends in SC.

Make an outcry in the forums so the devs will finally change something!

Otherwise this will end like any idea before: It will be ignored completely.

agree. ideas are really good!

but dev team is small compared to big companies. they already do excellent job and created beautiful game.

i bet new expansions will come fast enough :fed001:

Expansions are meaningless if there’s no one to play them.