PvE 'Wins' Missions are easier to complete than PvP and this.. is discouraging

I’m talking about rank 10 Star Marathon (but not only). For an experienced player to complete PvE mission (especially on rank 10) is a piece of cake while getting win in PvP is obviously harder, especially now with new balance.

So what happens now is that I feel discouraged to play PvP to complete Star Marathon - this is simply inefficient. So i’m stuck in 'Fire Support" grind which is boring…

I think PvP wins “worth more”! (at least ranks 6-10)

As a PVE player (Rank 9ish), I have no issue with this ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)  Though I wish every rank was 5 wins and not 10…barely have time for that on weekdays.


Though I did play my first PVP match in months last night at Tier 1(whatever Kite-E’s tier is) and wiped the floor with their ship husks. I felt bad.

Even worse. The last patch 1.3.10 makes a PVE map easier.


Reduced difficulty of PvE missions ‘Defence contracts’ for ranks 6-10


I just think its obvious that player can achieve 100% PvE win chance (rank 10) but not PvP so generally PvP win is twice harder to get

28 minutes ago, gheni4 said:

I just think its obvious that player can achieve 100% PvE win chance (rank 10) but not PvP so generally PvP win is twice harder to get

Ugh, some PUGs prove you wrong.  Even on Naberia Complex PVE, I warn people to watch out for the initial volley of rockets from the Rogues and still get smacked dead.


(I make mistakes too! I’m useless on Defiler missions ![:sad:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad.png “:sad:”) )

4 hours ago, Phalnax811 said:

Ugh, some PUGs prove you wrong.  Even on Naberia Complex PVE, I warn people to watch out for the initial volley of rockets from the Rogues and still get smacked dead.


(I make mistakes too! I’m useless on Defiler missions ![:sad:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad.png “:sad:”) )

Arrgggghhh this happened to me yesterday. I couldn’t believe it. 

I was thinking. And well, PVE win ratio is higher than PVP. But aside from some specific scenarios, they also take longer to finish. Not always a PVP last for the maximun amount of time.


As a person that did 2000 FS runs in last months (on R13 and R10 and R7) I can say that getting 10 pve wins is considerably faster than getting 10 pvp wins. I have PvP w/l of 1.64 and it was taking me on average 2.5 hours to get those 10 wins. OTOH - when I was playing with at least 1 good friend - 10 Fire support wins  in R10 was achievable in 45 minutes. Of course flying with random pilots was making this considerable longer. So what I learned from this marathon?

  1. create a group of people flying together - Fire Support R11-R15 takes on average 7 minutes. 4 people squad with assigned roles - 5 minutes 20 seconds,  R10 - 3:30 (soloing FS when all 3 players died in opening rogue salvo - 5:20-5:30). So if you are flying just with one other experienced person it changes the gameplay completely.

  2. make a proper ship for that. R7 - Jeri guard, R10 - Fed Guard, R13 - Jeri LRF or Destroyer if your friend can bring engie - those ships proved to have fastest possible results. 

If you guys want builds or have any questions, please feel free to ask here ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

7 hours ago, niripas said:

As a person that did 2000 FS runs

I did lots of runs too and I agree with the rest of your observations although I prefer gunship in r10. Anyway “getting 10 pve wins is considerably faster” is exactly why I think PvP should get you 2 wins.

16 hours ago, ntboble said:

Arrgggghhh this happened to me yesterday. I couldn’t believe it. 

I was thinking. And well, PVE win ratio is higher than PVP. But aside from some specific scenarios, they also take longer to finish. Not always a PVP last for the maximun amount of time.


Ha yeah whenever I warn people of the volley, I always think, “Crap, what if I die from it??”


But yes, PVE sometimes takes 15+ minutes if its multiple phases or more depending on deaths or team skill (higher levels).