Bug report: (Pirate Fort Raid - PvE scenario)
Some of the bots, usually one or two pirates, wander off in the 1st and 2nd round, going towards the edge or outside of the map, over 15-20+ km away from players.
Bots should always follow and attack players.
This issue (almost) always happens with just one or two bots at the same time.
Screenshot: (As you can see, one or two bots always wander off in the 2nd round, away from players, to the edge of the map - 22:37:40+ or 10:37:40+)
(There are 2 Pirate bots wandering off in the 1st round, around 21:40+ or 09:40+ PM.)
(1st round: 22:14:30+ or 10:14:30+ PM)
Logs: (Check only for Pirate Fort Raid entries - data stamps above on the screenshots show times of these events.)
[2017.07.29 22.27.16.zip](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=14993)
[2017.07.31 20.59.01.zip](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=14997) (PvE - T5 - Pirate Fort Raid - around 21:37+ or 09:37+ PM)
(PvE - T5 - Pirate Fort Raid: (around 22:14:30+ or 10:14:30+ PM)
[2017.07.31 21.58.42.zip](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=14999)