pve rank 4 to 9??

Hello i am somewhat relatively new player bought my tier 2 rank 4 ships yesterday after that i noticed the 2nd pve missions are from 4 to 9 …rank 4 is the first t2 ship and rank 9 is the last

t3 ship …now it has become almost impossible to play pve missions for me even with high senergy and equipment upgrades.I am guessing ppl who play action games like this are very pro

but i must inform u guys that ppl who love spaceships also play this game.So i was hoping someone important is reading this and make pve and pvp adjustment so there there is a new set

of mission just for t2 and t4 (btw the third mission is rank 10 to the last rank ships…which also make t4 ships useless) and i really would’nt hurt to tone down the difficultly a bit.I have stopped

playing today not sure that i will be able to respond to this post any time soon so if there any actual changes in the game  pls some one kindly inform me to this email lanny200433@gmail.com


thank u and also hoping for the best

Hello i am somewhat relatively new player bought my tier 2 rank 4 ships yesterday after that i noticed the 2nd pve missions are from 4 to 9 …rank 4 is the first t2 ship and rank 9 is the last

t3 ship …now it has become almost impossible to play pve missions for me even with high senergy and equipment upgrades.I am guessing ppl who play action games like this are very pro

but i must inform u guys that ppl who love spaceships also play this game.So i was hoping someone important is reading this and make pve and pvp adjustment so there there is a new set

of mission just for t2 and t4 (btw the third mission is rank 10 to the last rank ships…which also make t4 ships useless) and i really would’nt hurt to tone down the difficultly a bit.I have stopped

playing today not sure that i will be able to respond to this post any time soon so if there any actual changes in the game  pls some one kindly inform me to this email lanny200433@gmail.com


thank u and also hoping for the best

Hi! With rank 4 ships, you can also enter invasion, which is a great way of earning credits alone.


As you could see, missions are tuned for the highest rank ship, so a rank 4 will have dificulties doing the mission. You can either squad with other people and work as a team, or just keep doing PvE in rank 3 ships meanwhile you unlock rank 5 or rank 6. Rank 6 ships can do decent in PvE.


And you can also try PvP, in where you won’t find ships higher than your own tier, and the synergy reward is much better, so you will unlock ships faster.


But at this moment, rank 4 ships are not meant to do a rank 9 PvE and be competitive. You will have to unlock the next ships.

Hello i am somewhat relatively new player bought my tier 2 rank 4 ships yesterday after that i noticed the 2nd pve missions are from 4 to 9 …rank 4 is the first t2 ship and rank 9 is the last

t3 ship …now it has become almost impossible to play pve missions for me even with high senergy and equipment upgrades.I am guessing ppl who play action games like this are very pro

but i must inform u guys that ppl who love spaceships also play this game.So i was hoping someone important is reading this and make pve and pvp adjustment so there there is a new set

of mission just for t2 and t4 (btw the third mission is rank 10 to the last rank ships…which also make t4 ships useless) and i really would’nt hurt to tone down the difficultly a bit.I have stopped

playing today not sure that i will be able to respond to this post any time soon so if there any actual changes in the game  pls some one kindly inform me to this email lanny200433@gmail.com


thank u and also hoping for the best

Well you know for someone pve is perfect, but don’t worry…T3 is just “almost impossible” as you said… and when you get to T4…great it becomes to “impossible”.


So…if you like pve…wait for next patch hopes they will change it…or try pvp…by the way,T4’s pvp is together with T5… that means you will meet T5 in pvp if you fly on T4…


If you want to buy GS shipps…it’s fine. But the gs T5 shipps will only help you a little on pve, because when your team has a T4 there, or anyone of your team get unlucky, you lose.

Hello i am somewhat relatively new player bought my tier 2 rank 4 ships yesterday after that i noticed the 2nd pve missions are from 4 to 9 …rank 4 is the first t2 ship and rank 9 is the last

t3 ship …now it has become almost impossible to play pve missions for me even with high senergy and equipment upgrades.I am guessing ppl who play action games like this are very pro

but i must inform u guys that ppl who love spaceships also play this game.So i was hoping someone important is reading this and make pve and pvp adjustment so there there is a new set

of mission just for t2 and t4 (btw the third mission is rank 10 to the last rank ships…which also make t4 ships useless) and i really would’nt hurt to tone down the difficultly a bit.I have stopped

playing today not sure that i will be able to respond to this post any time soon so if there any actual changes in the game  pls some one kindly inform me to this email lanny200433@gmail.com


thank u and also hoping for the best

Well you know for someone pve is perfect, but don’t worry…T3 is just “almost impossible” as you said… and when you get to T4…great it becomes to “impossible”.


So…if you like pve…wait for next patch hopes they will change it…or try pvp…by the way,T4’s pvp is together with T5… that means you will meet T5 in pvp if you fly on T4…


If you want to buy GS shipps…it’s fine. But the gs T5 shipps will only help you a little on pve, because when your team has a T4 there, or anyone of your team get unlucky, you lose.

Rank 4 and 9 fighting with same difficulty  , rank 10 and 15 trying same impossibility , looks like doesn’t work for everyone. Lets make it all together  , rank 1 to 15 all same in pve and pvp yeah thats better no que times instant battles and who cares fairness…

Basic rule of PvE is “don’t bring even tier ships”. It doesn’t end well anymore. It used to be fine, but the Devs stopped caring about people with low-end ships and merged the queues.

Yep Im another one gone till something is done. The Que’s are getting longer and longer…

I never had too much trouble flying T2 ships in PvE, but I did one thing a lot of people don’t seem to do:

Use a dedicated PvE lineup.

One Engineer (Empire preferable for PvE) with both heal auras of course, one Command with both resistance auras and the Valkyrie on the Machetes, one damage dealer, Gunship or LRF.


My priority always was Engi>Command>Damage

No other player picks an Engineer? Use yours.

Someone’s using an Engineer and likely has better modules than you do? Go Command.

Both support roles filled? Bring the pain, but make sure to stay close to your team.


With T3 players in the round I usually didn’t get the highest score, but I survived (most of the time) and wasn’t useless.


Of course I wasn’t trying to level my ships in PvE, just did it for the loot and credits.

I never had too much trouble flying T2 ships in PvE, but I did one thing a lot of people don’t seem to do:

Use a dedicated PvE lineup.

One Engineer (Empire preferable for PvE) with both heal auras of course, one Command with both resistance auras and the Valkyrie on the Machetes, one damage dealer, Gunship or LRF.

My priority always was Engi>Command>Damage

No other player picks an Engineer? Use yours.

Someone’s using an Engineer and likely has better modules than you do? Go Command.

Both support roles filled? Bring the pain, but make sure to stay close to your team.

With T3 players in the round I usually didn’t get the highest score, but I survived (most of the time) and wasn’t useless.

Of course I wasn’t trying to level my ships in PvE, just did it for the loot and credits.

Finally! A hiden gem!

If I may add my 2 cents, I think you need to learn some of the mission mechanics to be able to do these missions successfully.


No, a Tier 2 is not going to be the best ship in most PvEs involving T3’s, however there are some ships that do much better in PvE than others… for example, Interceptors CAN be good, but a rule of thumb, their low survivability makes them less useful in PvE compared to PvP. As somebody said before, you need to learn the difference between PvP and PvE ships/builds and how the missions are structured to be successful at them. I have failed some missions as early as the first part just because my team’s Engineers did not know how to turn-on buffs while others were too busy crashing into everything in their Interceptor, while I was too dumb to pick something other than a Fighter after I noticed that the team was inadequate.


Generally, I would recommend on bringing your toughest Frigates to PvE. I get that you may like fast hard-hitting ships instead, however they can work for SOME parts of a mission, but not others… you need to learn in which situation you have to use which ship.


If you really want to focus on PvE, I would recommend going down the Empire Engineer and LRF lines for best damage/survivability needed for PvE. Jericho Guards can also be very successful with the right RESISTANCE builds and at least one hull or shield healer module for when you are missing an Engineer in the team… or even if you have one, for that matter. Federation Frigates tend to be much softer, so they require additional care when playing, however even a stock Rank 4 Engineer can help heal in a team with no healers, while a Guard is guaranteed to live longer than most fully decked-out Interceptors or Fighters… once you start getting comfortable with those ships, then you can start bringing some of your lighter ships into the PvE missions for Synergizing or even to get through them faster. My advice is really for completely new players… you can’t go wrong with a Frigate in a PvE match unless you simply load and don’t do anything after the fact.

it is intended to seperate the PvE missions again per Tier

it is intended to seperate the PvE missions again per Tier

So… in six months T2 will get its own queue, T4 will get ignored, and everyone will get a difficulty spike to ‘balance’?