pve quest day 20 gone

after clearing the pvp and open world misions of day 20 of the secret ship prosuit i did a pve mission

i accepted the pve mission for secret ship prosuit.

during the 3rd round of prosessing rig we lost after picking up the 1 loot item i returned to the hangar.
the mission had reverted back to the ! icon but when i clicket it i was unable to accept or cansel the misison.
i have flown a second pve round and won this time. the mission stil had the ! icon.
after relogging the entire mission was gone and i am now unable to get the mission or clear the event sucessfully since im mission a day.




any help will be apriciated.


when i logged in this morning i saw i had a new pve quest … NR1 so hooping i just had to restart the entire quest line i finishet the quest. achiefment for day 20 got registert and i got my reward for the day 1 quest. after that thare wasent a day 2 so i am still 1 day behind admin can u plz fis this or do i realy have to use a support ticket to get results.

i will be in teamspeak for more information

Will be fixed in the next (today) update

Do missions from yesterday got erased now, or is it a bug?

If you didn’t complete them, they DO NOT carry over to next day.

We will wait to tomorrow. If issue will repeat then, please, write about it.