I like the new PvE. It is faster, easier and less prone to exploiting than the previous one. And also, now all maps are played, instead of just nonstop grinding blackwood.
(ducks into cover)
You’re very wrong here, people that only want to grind one map will just set up customs & feel even less inclined to play all maps under this dumb system. For those that can’t be bothered to go through customs they are stuck with 1 choice a day, rather than 6 so don’t be fooled, we have less choices not more! Well that’s the mark of a great sale, fool the sucker into thinking they are getting a sweet deal when intact they are getting less (The big clue was fact the PVE tab is gone?)
РvР is better. Grabs popcorn
As usual you always fail to make a valid contribution, why comment at all here if you don’t care for pve you tragic goon!
T4 Pirate Base is so messed up it’s not even funny.
Round 1 is pretty easy. It can go horribly wrong, but as long as you’ve got a good healer and your team aren’t completely stupid you should be fine.
Round 2 is where the problems start, because you’ve got to have cleared the initial turrets in Round 1, and you need to have two teams - a guard team and an anti-turret team - to get the convoy through. This can happen, but it’s easy for a sloppy team to ruin it all.
Round 3 is insane. The boss can one-shot my Osprey! I know it’s not the best-fitted ship in the game, but the fact is that boss is an order of magnitude stronger than any other T4 boss, and the result is that if your team isn’t ready for him you have lost. There is no chance to resurrect dead players, so the difficulty curve goes vertical.
Processing Rig sort of suffers the same issue, though not quite to the same extent.
My general consensus is that PvE isn’t being properly balanced. It is clearly made on the assumption that the people playing are a high-tier, high-synergy, blue or better frigball. I tried using my sub-optimal Gunship in Processing Rig and got annihilated, but in the old system I just tiered down to T2 and I could handle myself just fine so long as I didn’t do something monumentally stupid like try to ram missiles.
PvE has been made harder many times over the last year, especially after they introduced reviving. We always adapted though for sure the latest change where they made it t4-5 rather than 3-5 for sure has taken some getting used to, t4 ssr and last round of rig in particular are pretty challenging, many trivialise pve as being easy and mindless but I really doubt these guys play pve much at higher levels and with random players, certainly you will have a bit of trouble if you don’t know the mission at all and of course if your ship’s a little soft. My belief is the devs actually want pve to give players problems so we don’t get rich easily and even more so that players will do the p2w thing and use duplicators or as they were intended to be called Engineer matrices, when those things came to life after the invasion’s beta started could it be a coincidence they also yet again made pve considerably harder?
My 2 cents about the pirate baron and higher pve in general… I have a few times survived the singularities from it, of course it just hits me with another anyway :005j: . Reviving isn’t too hard if you are not a frigate, one pug pirates I saved the whole team, being an ecm is handy for revives as you all may know (I didn’t get 1 vote btw grrr despite saving the mission), however when it came to my Atlas, was doomed, empire frigates are the slowest ships so was a stretch to get the team revived… Well the problem with higher pve as I may have said was the reward may seem unattractive, even some of the better pvers spend most of their game time doing t2-3 pve as time wise it may be better or isn’t much worse seeing that t4-5 pves aren’t guaranteed wins vs t2-3 anyway… (I personally won’t run a mission using a ship above the rank requirements)
Forgetting credits synergy wise t4-5 definitely is worse, I even found t1 kills give MORE than t4-5 and not forgetting t1 npcs are 1 shot, even the objectives have puny hp…. Forgetting this SNAFU map system that’s listed under Invasion of all places they need to rework the rewards so t4-5 pve isn’t an awful wait (Same goes for t4-5 pvp) Surely the aim of the game is to get to t4-5 yet we’re seeing majority of veteran players going t2-3 pve and pvp, I’d say increase rewards for t4-5. If t4-5 pve takes 2-3 times as long as a t2-3 then the reward shouldn’t be double, at least 4 times bearing in mind queues are longer as well. I don’t think it will impact pvp too badly as there are many who don’t ever pve anyway, some even think pvp pays more credits, they never got good at pve then. Over time pve is a good investment when you can beat them quickly enough with few casualties or none, losing pve sure hurts though especially those bad 1st round games, 0 pay…
And again we come to this stumbling block of totally ignoring and/or screwing over everyone who isn’t already at the top of T5. Sooner or later the Devs need to accept that the rest of T4 needs content aimed at them as well.
Funny fact is it’s T4 that has the most ships! The neglected tier as well…. Sigh… Also find it odd all the recent premium ships are Jericho, doubt devs have thought about making the game balanced at all. If they have they’ve made a real balls of it, of course they hide behind the beta tag every time
This is under discussion at the moment at the Devs.
As stated in the patch notes there have been good reasons for this change but we see the impact.
I cant confirm if and when they change it but I push them more or less daily on this.
Thank you, personally pvp needs a change too, being given random match types and maps always (though a 90% chance it will be beacon related) can be very boring and not very useful for the player with how they load their ships and what ships to bring, at least pve we know what to bring… Oh for sure if I could I’d never go to Abandoned Complex, I hate not being able to fly straight and losing half my hull to scraping the walls, well done with that map devs (!)