PVE missions per Tier



PVE missions really need some work.

You have Tier 1 missions, they are ok.

But then the trouble starts with group 2 missions for rank 4-9.

This is crazy, the missions are way too hard for Tier 2.

The way it is now is undoable for Tier 2 in my opinion.

Every Tier should have their own PVE missions!


Thank you.

The missions are not too hard for tier 2. They are designed to be done as a group with certain synergies in the group. AKA you NEED to have an engineer that knows to heal in order to do them.

I dont agree with you.

A lot of rank 4 players want to do this missions.

And almost always they get killed in the second or third round.

Its not playable for Tier 2, and i dont even want to try anymore.

Its yust crazy in my opinion to put Tier 2 and Tier 3 together here in one PVE mission group.

If they’re not ready for that, stay in T1 sandbox until you can, or my advice: Play PvP!

I disagree again.

Why you think PVP battles are split in Tier 2 and Tier 3 groups?


So i think that the PVE mission groups should also been split in Tier groups.

Would be logic i think.

Then take some T3 pilots with you (squad)

  1. Complaining is not necessary, the devs won’t listen.

  2. We already asked that maybe the old PvE would ever come back - Nope.

  3. They think they would make PvE better, but they crushed it.

  4. This game is focused on PvP, just play it, believe me it’s way more funny.

Usually you just need to do 1 daily PvE per day, grab a squad for that and do it, it’s very easy then.

  1. It’s not hard. I already flew T2 PvE with T2 ships, even with randoms, no problems… That was 2 days ago.

I think the PVP battles are great! No complaints here!


Good for you that you can do the PVE missions in a Tier 2 ship, but i have seen different results.

I still think the PVE missions could be a bit more balanced for the different Tiers.


Yust an idea, i dont really care if someone is listening or not.

I think the PVP battles are great!


Wait till you hit T3  :006j:



PVE missions really need some work.

You have Tier 1 missions, they are ok.

But then the trouble starts with group 2 missions for rank 4-9.

This is crazy, the missions are way too hard for Tier 2.

The way it is now is undoable for Tier 2 in my opinion.

Every Tier should have their own PVE missions!


Thank you.

with good ships in team like engineer everything is easy enough  :01111: 

Ok, but i still think the PVE missions should be split in Tier groups.

When i did them in a group of rank 4 ships they where almost undoable.

And yesterday i did them in a group of rank 8 and 9 ships and it was way too easy.


players with high ranks ships have more experience and skill. so its logical that they play better and missions are “easier” :fed001:  

Ok, but i still think the PVE missions should be split in Tier groups.

When i did them in a group of rank 4 ships they where almost undoable.

And yesterday i did them in a group of rank 8 and 9 ships and it was way too easy.


Well, should be rank 4-6 pve? Yes it should


Will ever be rank 4-6 again? not likely.


Rank 4-9 PvE is made so a lineup of rank 9 ships can do it, so rank 4 will have a bad time. But the rewards are much, much bigger than tier 1 PvE


Just ask in the general chat for a squad and keep playing PvP to get better ships.


Also, money wise, invasion is more profitable than PvE atm, and you don’t need to play with people.

this will be implemented again if the new playerbase is spread over the tiers

this will be implemented again if the new playerbase is spread over the tiers

The fact it HASN’T been implemented again is actively making it harder for players to spread over the tiers.


Fix the problem, not the symptom.

Coming back to the game for the first time in years (since OBT), this is really the only thing I noticed that I didn’t like. I already have ships all the way to T5, and I decided that I wanted to start from the bottom and max synergy on all my ships. T1 was a breeze. If the whole squad died but me and I was in a scout, no problem. Still zipped around and got it done.


But then I finished maxing all my T1 ships’ synergy and moved on to T2 ships where I got thrown into T3 PVE. I like to think I’m a pretty good pilot. And I can survive so long as I’ve got a good squad - sometimes I can survive in something like a scout even without the squad. But, take a mission with a cruiser for instance - there’s no beating it before the cruiser gets to the target. Doesn’t matter what T2 ship I use - there’s no way to do enough DPS if the squad dies. Frigates can’t use coil mortars yet which makes them almost useless against the turtles or taking out the engines in time. Fighters, I can survive in something like a tackler, but if I’m up against a cruiser I usually run out of time cause it doesn’t do enough DPS (sometimes I make it, but rarely). Really need the bubble gun (singularity cannon). And don’t get me started on something like a T2 scout. I might be able to duck and hide to survive, but there’s no beating a mission without the rest of the team. And this again, is with blue and purple modules that I’ve had since OBT.


What I remembered of PVE back in OBT was that no matter what ships I brought, I could contribute to the team and if necessary, I could beat the mission on my own, but it would obviously take a lot more time. If I was in a scout in Blackwood Shipyard, I’d be tearing up the enemy scouts and slowly eat away at the boss. If I was in a frigate in the Dreadnought mission, I could protect the little ships and get the beacons capped and if everyone died in round 3 I could find a place to hide to wear down the launchers (again, racing the clock). But being in T2 ships in T3 missions that require better weapons/modules than your ships are capable of equipping, makes me far less useful and incapable of beating a mission on my own if the team doesn’t make it (with few exceptions).


Mind you, I’ve played PVE in every tier over the past few weeks since coming back. And I could finish any mission in T1, T3, T4, T5 by myself if need-be (most times). But flying T2 ships I’m a cripple throwing stones in a gunfight.


I agree that it’s best to be in a good squad if you’re running the tier - and perhaps as long as you join an active corporation you can get a group of T3 guys to fly with you and pick up your slack. But, in the same token, who likes being a leach on the other pilots and their time? If you’re flying a random mission with strangers and you’re a cripple T2 not capable of supporting the team, you let the rest of the team down and waste their time when they fail because of you.


Anyway, that’s my two cents and a +1 to bringing back all five segregated tiers - no matter how unlikely it is that they’ll actually do it.