PvE Mission: Endless Spawns

Dear all


I like to propose a new PvE setup: Endless spawns


This would be setup as eternal wave of enemies. But the spawn keeps getting stronger.


The longer you survive the higher the rewards.


This would result in a kind of leaderboard so a nice way so compete too.


Thanks for feedback




It would be interesting tho, but the strength of the waves shouldn’t have a limit, I mean, after farming for 1 hour for example it should be almost impossible to win.

I like it “Death Match” play till dead.       :smoke:      +1

I would also like to make a PvP game using the boss fight in the Pirate mission map. 8v8 arena all vs all divided per class.

Dear all


I like to propose a new PvE setup: Endless spawns


This would be setup as eternal wave of enemies. But the spawn keeps getting stronger.


The longer you survive the higher the rewards.


This would result in a kind of leaderboard so a nice way so compete too.


Thanks for feedback



I wonder how will it be the viability of it, since all it needs for 90% of the teams to fail is a spawn of 10 of those commanders at once (the ones from the boss fight in blackwood that has HUGE HP). Or maybe starts to spawn 10 of those bosses at the same time. Imagine the mayhem. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide from its pulsars.

I like the idea. It is interesting and would surely be fun to try out.


I just fear, that such a mode would be too much of a danger to the other PvE modes… which wouldn’t be played anymore.

Imagine after 1 hour, 10 punishers appears xD

Guard Happy Fun Times, that’s what this is.

2 hours: 10 pirate boss

well if every new wave spawns after a specific time you will die soon if you are not strong enough.


To have a respawn after a wave is killed will expand this dramatically.

It can be like 


Time survived - Points - Reward type gained


1 minute - 150 - T1

2 minute - 250 - T2

5 minute - 500 - T2-T3 Loot

7 minutes - 1000 - T3-T4 loot

10 minutes - 2000 - T4-T5 loot

12 minutes  - 2250 - T4- T5 loot

15 minutes - 3000 - T5 loot 

17 minutes - 6000 - T5 loot and 10,000 credits per 100 points 

20 minutes - 8000 - T5 Experimental loot 

22 minutes and higher - 10000 - 1 GS for every point after kill. 


Remember all affects stack. 


Loot is found after a kill, as enemy’s should drop a crate or something and it can only be picked up to the corresponding player. Thus the game is consistent and will not STOP. 

So what would stop a pair of perma pulsar guards with an engineer for backup?

So what would stop a pair of perma pulsar guards with an engineer for backup?


Shhh…dont tell them, I want a easy win. Lol 


22 minutes and higher - 10000 - 1 GS for every point after kill. 



Not going to happen tho

they would never give u gs for winning never in a million years

So, what you are proposing is:




Which I could imagine would be something like:




Except with space ships.  Everything is better with space ships…  :lol:

Sounds cool but sadly It will end up as guardfest


player3: “HA! my pulsar is better than yours”

Hmm… stopping the guards from using pulsar would be hard, and making a Pv not ideal for huards is even harder…   :smoke:

To make it less of a guard fest, they could mix it up, where some waves would be swarms of enemies, and other waves would be just a handful of very tough, or fast enemies. Or throw in a boss after every 10 waves or something.