PVE Level selection

Hi everyone, this game is great but there is something that has to be changed.

Everyone that is actively playing PVE already probably know the problem but nothing has changed since pve levels came out so i guess gaijin isnt listenning once again.

The difficulty level of a pve mission should be the highest choice of the team, or at least a majority vote.

ALL the experienced players will agree with me than for farming insignas, doing 41 level missions in 3min is the best way, but how are you supposed to do it when there always this dude that choose lvl 1 ?

You might say ok he want to do something, play the game but no, even in lvl 1 he wont do anything and why ? Cause the guys with highest POWER LEVEL and seed chips will oneshot every mobs so the newbie wont have time to do what he wanted, so at least, if he has to be useless what so ever, why not make him useless in high level when he’ll win more credits at the end yk, so that the highest rank player is happy to get his loot, with no waste of time of doing lvl 1 missions, or they should be like back in the time, a tier by tier matchaking with low rank player playing together, the queue would be longer but at least we could play the level we want.

Moreover when there is CONTRACTS like : “Complete X mission in lvl Y or above for Z iridium” and you ran into this guy that make you do lvl 1 mission so you dont get the insignas at the end + not getting the mission, its so frustrating and it really do not benefit anyone, so there really is a thing to do here to really improve the game.

The only thing that make pve fun for endgame player is the sweatiness of high levels, why wouldnt we have fun if we’re like in squad of three and met a random beginner ? 

They need to fix that.


Anyway i wish you all a good day !

Tried 4 man squads?

I’m not often in squads, but I gather there’s not way for a squad of 3 or even 2 to say “we got this” and crush that level 41 mission all by themselves, without being forced to babysit that 3rd wheel, i.e. me? I’m guessing there is not and we should not expect it because it must require additional server resources to run more missions for the same number of players. Although, perhaps such server resources is a significant benefit they could consider offering those with premium licenses. They are paying, after all.


I don’t usually touch the level myself because, as stated, the battles will be over before I can get a target lock. But when it’s maxed, I become the one shot victim so I’m useless anyway. Pretty boring for me either way, but at least if I allow the veterans to choose I don’t irritate anyone.

An easy way to settle this would be to pick a “range” of levels that you want to play before entering the queue.


So high level players can play high levels, and low level players can play low levels.

4 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

An easy way to settle this would be to pick a “range” of levels that you want to play before entering the queue.


So high level players can play high levels, and low level players can play low levels.

Now that you said it seems so obvious. Ask first, then queue. Bloody brilliant!

Yeah, but potentially infinite queue times. Ever tried the Destroyer Spec Op at level 9 during non-peak times?

Well yea i almost all the time farm in 4 man squad, with 2 ppl of the corp that i help grinding (carrying pretty much everything tbh) but you cant always be 4, another solution would be to remove mm ? why not be able to do a mission solo, i and alot of ppl i know can do high level alone without any problem, so it would be an eventual solution to have a “non matchmade section” in pve mission selection ? idk 

I mean we all love this game so its so frustrating to not be able to do what we love to do.

its not a problem for me to carry someone, i’d rather have someone that do nothing at first bu then can lvl up his power and come back and shred everything than someone that want to stick to his lvl 13 missions a annoy everyone lol.

The option of not having MM for me make sence tho, remove the infinie queue time, make missions sweaty, be able to play  anytime (while still have a mm section ofc)

On 8/3/2020 at 2:46 PM, TheDarkRedFox said:

An easy way to settle this would be to pick a “range” of levels that you want to play before entering the queue.


So high level players can play high levels, and low level players can play low levels.


Ranges won’t work.


  1. U need to block access to high level ranges for players who shouldn’t be there. Otherwise, many of them will select high levels in hope to be carried by exp player and get easy insignia. Since there much more rookies than actual exp players, situation where all 4 rookies start a high level mission will  happen pretty often.(lol)

  2. U can’t define who has the right to the high level mission because of seed chips. Seed-chips can give up to 100 levels of damage. So player with offense level 1 can deal same damage as someone with level 100+.



This is what is frustrates me most when a lvl of say 25 0r 30 is selected then some new player comes along and selects lvl 1.


I agree 100% this is the biggest problem with this game!!