PVE improvements

Here’s some stuff that’ll probably never happen (because redesigning UI once more is clearly more critical) but i’ll suggest anyway.


1. Allow leaving PvE and reduce time limit

Seriously, why do you lock people in matches if they can’t/don’t want to buy duplicators? I’ve seen many randoms just close game (disconnected) and they generally dont get online for a while.

I’ve personally closed game until the next day due to this.

What else can one do? In missions like blackwood shipyard some people just hide and spend the next 30 minutes there. And you have to watch. NO!.. F that i’m closing game


2. Allow changing ships when duplicator is used / or make stages in new PvEs like old ones had

Maybe the ship isn’t working. maybe a different role is better suited for a different stage for the PvE

Either make stages for missions or allow changing ship


3. Don’t use up duplicator until revived player actually respawns


4. Increase rewards


yes, good idea : )

i suppose you speak about T4/5 pve?

hard to realise…reduce time mean what ? if dev reduce time, it mean that all enemis are much easier to kill, or they deleted one part …

and t4/5 will not be t4/5 anymore, but t3/4

  • from me

Im like point 2 the most:

2.Allow changing ships when duplicator is used / or make stages in new PvEs like old ones had

Also point 3 seems reasonable (never had problems with that, though): 

3.Don’t use up duplicator until revived player actually respawns

14 hours ago, SheenShade said:

yes, good idea : )

i suppose you speak about T4/5 pve?

hard to realise…reduce time mean what ? if dev reduce time, it mean that all enemis are much easier to kill, or they deleted one part …

and t4/5 will not be t4/5 anymore, but t3/4

Reduce time limit. Like if you don’t finish last stage of Blackwood in 5-10 minutes it should just end in loss 

waiting 30 minutes for hiding players who do poke dmg poke dmg is stupid


amd yes t5 pve

ah ok, i understand…

i saw the battle still winning

Players that don’t respawn if they die, should not be able to loot the spots, only get credit reward, nothing more!

On 23.3.2018 at 1:20 AM, _terrorblade said:

Reduce time limit. Like if you don’t finish last stage of Blackwood in 5-10 minutes it should just end in loss 

waiting 30 minutes for hiding players who do poke dmg poke dmg is stupid


amd yes t5 pve


1 hour ago, Koromac said:

Players that don’t respawn if they die, should not be able to loot the spots, only get credit reward, nothing more!



We should make a PvE great again something thread (w/poll)!