PVE balancing ? Your mission failed

Hello guys. 


i like PVE even if the EXP in general is only the HALF (dont know why) than PVP.

Sadly only the entry levels 1-3 are playable.


Level 4-9 are WAY too hard. I really tried a lot with random teams and we never completed even the first attackwave- even with a guy who had 40 kills that wave.

i was in a level 6 Premium ship with some upgraded stuff and even my applied damage is a joke.


So im must say at this point PVE is not worth the time until you rebalance the difficulty.


Remove PVE from the game or rebalance is all i can say


Hello guys. 


i like PVE even if the EXP in general is only the HALF (dont know why) than PVP.

Sadly only the entry levels 1-3 are playable.


Level 4-9 are WAY too hard. I really tried a lot with random teams and we never completed even the first attackwave- even with a guy who had 40 kills that wave.

i was in a level 6 Premium ship with some upgraded stuff and even my applied damage is a joke.


So im must say at this point PVE is not worth the time until you rebalance the difficulty.


Remove PVE from the game or rebalance is all i can say

Hi dude!


First of all, I’m sorry you are having some issues with the game difficulty. It is usual in tier 2 to face those kind of problems don’t worry.


PvE is intended to be a source of credits, and a daily purple dot. Its synergy reward is low so you are “forced” to play PvP to level up your ships. It is intended that way, so both modes are attractive to people.


Concerning the Tier 2-3 difficulty, yes, for tier 2 ships it is too hard, and a full rank 4-6 lineup will have a hard time trying to complete the missions, but that is because the mode is made so tier 3 ships can have a challenge on it. I recommend you find some tier 3 friends, or join a corporation where other people can help you. Other than that playin in a rank 6 ship can be difficult to help your team in randoms.


But if you have a styx in your team (rank 9 engineer) he alone can do most of the job.


They are still watching the success rate of people with this new tier groups, but so far it seems it will stay this way for a while.


Don’t worry, before this PvE iteration, the same happened in tier 3, where almost all PvE were balanced for tier 4 and tier 5, so you had really hard time helping your team.

T2 PvE can be frustrating at times because very often people still dont understand their task. And once one ship gets blown  away whole thing crumbles. But I have to say that the situation is much better now than it was a year ago, when there were only like two T2 PvE maps. Now there is more variety and surprisingly people seem quite competent and capture beacons when they should instead of focusing on neverending NPC spawns and such.


I kind of agree that the step between T1 and T2 PvE is harsh (Blackwood shipyard Boss is laughable in T1, but fries you at T2 in no time) but after few runs people start to understand their roles and I believe it actually foster some teamplay.


So hopefully you will have more luck in the future, PvE should be challenging too :slight_smile:

Well, i recently reached T3 and i can say it’s not that impossible to do well in a T2 ship in PVE. What can bump up the challenge is when you have higher ranks teammates with more powerful ships; that seem to make stronger mobs appears thus make it much harder on the lower ranked player. First you have to learn what kind of enemies you will be facing and gear up your ships for it. Most PVE missions include mowing down lots of small fries enemies or busting defenses, so have one ship geared for either of those. I find frigates in general are better suited for PVE, but some fighters can do as well. Interceptors are generally the worst choice because you can’t tank much and your firepower may not be impressive either. Frigate lasers are really good at beating mobs of ships quickly, but kinetics are kings at killing gun turrets and bosses. 


The best beginner ships for PVE are Engineers, Guards and Gunships; they do rather well regardless of the scenario. I personnally use a Tackler as well because i like being able to disapear when i get too much aggro from the mobs, and also like the laser pointer module when fighting bosses and hard to kill mobs. 

Strangely enough, I seem to do quite well in PvE in interceptor. There is quite a few “capture a beacon” stages, so having interceptor helps. The npc’s generally don’t mind me too much and I can easily capture 2 of three beacons, sometimes even whole trio. Quick capture then helps the rest, so that they dont have to fight neverending hordes of enemies. I found that this generally brings the loss to the team - not focusing on the stage goal. Yes, some maps are good for npc farming, but you have to be sure that the team can handle it, otherwise things can go hairy…

Strangely enough, I seem to do quite well in PvE in interceptor. There is quite a few “capture a beacon” stages, so having interceptor helps. The npc’s generally don’t mind me too much and I can easily capture 2 of three beacons, sometimes even whole trio. Quick capture then helps the rest, so that they dont have to fight neverending hordes of enemies. I found that this generally brings the loss to the team - not focusing on the stage goal. Yes, some maps are good for npc farming, but you have to be sure that the team can handle it, otherwise things can go hairy…


I do use Interceptors once in a while, and i agree they can be useful in capture the beacons stage. But i think it’s also the hardest class to play well in PVE and i seen plenty of games gimped by players who picked their Interceptors without thinking it through. I think where most players fail in PVE is NPCs management; either players focus too much on objectives and ignore the mobs (and gets their teammates swarmed) or farm too much and someone eventually get killed and the objective becomes too hard to finish. 

PvE is meant to be played in a group/team, by this it gets way too easy


You may search for a corp to help you instead of trying alone


all the best