PvE - Balance/Unfairness/Unfunness

After poking around on this forum for not long at all, I gotta say I’m rather viciously unhappy. I was already unhappy about the state of PVE and I’m even more unhappy about the attitude that seems to be in this forum. Specifically that of the administrators locking topics because they’re ‘related to other topics’ or more accurately, because you want the community to shut up so you can not address the issues apparent in PvE gameplay. It isn’t Players versus Environment, its Players versus Players Versus Environment. 


The fact that a group of  tier 4 ships has so much trouble surviving is issue enough, that Frigates are pretty much required is another fat issue. I don’t want to float around in my slowest ship in PvE, PvE is suppose to be the area where I’m free to do whatever the hell I want. Run the ships I want with the builds I want with the pretties I want on it, and still be relatively successful.


Even successful, -ALONE-, but this is not the case. If you’re alone in an interceptor, you can make a wonderful game of surviving for a while. But in capture scenario’s, there’s nothing you can do. If you’re the only one left, you can’t generate enough capture to offset the amount of ships that are CONSTANTLY hounding you. And if you run off to get them away from the capture point, it doesn’t even matter, as the AI has been configured to leave a ship behind and capture it back.


Bottom line is, there needs to be changes. I don’t have an issue with PVP balancing, it is what it is in every game that has PVP. That said PvE needs to be balanced to, it needs to take into account the individual who merely wishes to wander as he wishes doing as he wishes. Now the game doesn’t have mining, whatever, it has a crude freeroam search and take sort of thing.

But even in the free roam, I am not free to roam as I wish or kill as I wish. Enguaging a group of your stupid alien ships that are retardedly touch and dish out impressively unhappy damage, doesn’t make me happy. Its infuriating, and while I can avoid the ships entirely and go about picking up my randomly floating about stuff… Cat and mouse isn’t any fun when you aren’t the xxxx cat.







I love world of tanks and war thunder, but only World of Tanks has my money. You need to STEP. UP. YOUR. GAME gaijin. What you THINK is right, isn’t right. What is successful is right, and if you successfully convince me to stop playing this game every time I pick it up with issues like this, you are highly successful at failure. True there are others more patient than me, that seem happy to continue to play the game as it is. But I’m not, and these words aren’t coming just from me. I’ve heard them plenty often enough before, and while the PVP elements of the game are turning into a well polished gem, the PVE side of things is suffering for it.


If you’re going to include it at all, do it right, or don’t do it at all. 

Honestly I can agree wtih you that Tier 4 Pve is currently not balanced in the slightest to allow players to just randomly hop in queue and win a match with a bunch of randoms. Instead currently it takes a squad of 4 who have completed the mission multiple times beforehand to even have the most remote of chances to succeed.




Aliens however is another story since they are meant to be a force to be reckoned with… BUT… predators. REALLY!? They have an aggro range of abouts 4500m, fire missiles that home AND deal 2500 damage pershot coupled with the fact that they are ridiculously fast and can’t be outrun unless you microwarp. Yep, a recipe for rage.


And then there is the almighty f****** loot nerf. Why the f**** would you nerf the loot when the game is already so f****** grindy as it is. REALLY. I have more than 10 brand new ships to buy and 6 of them are Tier 4 ships and yet if I want the credits to go and buy those ships I have to risk going and playing Pve nonstop now since it has the highest credit reward of all modes now which has essentially made invasion once more redundant. And the sad thing of all this is that one of the few ways to ease off the grind is to drop your wallet in and buy a six month license.


I’m going to go cry in a corner now.


 PvE is suppose to be the area where I’m free to do whatever the hell I want. Run the ships I want with the builds I want with the pretties I want on it, and still be relatively successful.



No, you are wrong here. PvE scenarios are just that, scenarios, and you should pick the best ships to complete them. Ships with lots of damage, AoE weapons and heals. Those are frigates and fighters. Except in some of the stages of certain scenarios, interceptors are not optimal choices in most of the PvE missions. Maybe they will make a PvE scenario where interceptors are the best choice (like Pirate base stage 1) but so far, most of the missions are easier if you use frigates or fighters.



Bottom line is, there needs to be changes. I don’t have an issue with PVP balancing, it is what it is in every game that has PVP. That said PvE needs to be balanced to, it needs to take into account the individual who merely wishes to wander as he wishes doing as he wishes. Now the game doesn’t have mining, whatever, it has a crude freeroam search and take sort of thing.

But even in the free roam, I am not free to roam as I wish or kill as I wish. Enguaging a group of your stupid alien ships that are retardedly touch and dish out impressively unhappy damage, doesn’t make me happy. Its infuriating, and while I can avoid the ships entirely and go about picking up my randomly floating about stuff… Cat and mouse isn’t any fun when you aren’t the xxxx cat.






That is your opinion, and as such it is respected. But that doesn’t mean you are right. Alien ships are NOT supposed to be easy to kill, or I would say some of them are not even designed to be killed by a single player. I consider myself a good pilot, and I have troubles killing alien ships with interceptors and fighters alone. Once you get into a group it is easier.


If this makes you sad and you won’t be able to throw money at this game, well, that is bad for developers, but I sure that the numbers they are managing shows that most of the people are happy with the current state of the PvE and Invasion. You cannot cater to everyone sadly.


What I find really funny is that you said that only WoT has your money, but WoT is just pure PvP gameplay, while you don’t have ANY kind of PvE or missions whatsoever. And you have said that PvP in this game is good enough for you. So why so much hate? Maybe you should reconsider your ideas, or at least give this matter a second thought.


If you need some advices to be more efficient in PvE or Invasion, please ask and most people will be glad to help you.


PS: Really, looking at the way you wrote the post, my answer should have been “git gud”. But I’m feeling polite today.

I find the PVE difficulty just right. Make it any easier and it will just get boring and I will fall asleep while doing it.

What I recommend is finding a squad for it though. Just call out in English chat. It doesn’t matter if you aren’t using comms. The main thing is to organise ship roles, so you are sure someone has an engineer, someone has a guard etc. I’ve not played any other multiplayer PVE games but as far as what I have heard from WOW etc you also have to organise your squad there, in order to optimise it.

As for Invasion, I agree the purple stuff is hard to kill, but with t5 ships and the right build it is doable. Maybe the damage they do could be toned down a little bit.