Public Request: All Rank 14 Destroyers should remain open!

I was asked to forward this message by people.

The goal of this discussion is to provide some relevant feedback through constructive discussion to the developers and Commercial Department as well.


We are requesting, that Rank 14/15 Destroyers are all available, at least until New Year, if they must be locked for some time, but not permanently altogether.

The idea to lock them permanently, is counter-productive. Investing resources from economic perspective into their development, can only means a loss of revenue in the long run.


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I would definitely like to see them remain for at least until the New Years event. That will give people time to decide which one they want and give more opportunities to buy/find the materials.

Now that I’ve thought about it more, it does make some sense to lock rank 14 ships out for select periods of time. It makes them more valuable and encourages players to play the game more often.

But, yes definitely for at least until the New Year. Then I hope they will be open at least every two months.

I wouldn’t mind a ship rotation, if we would actually get enough resources from the event tasks to build the current destroyer in time, but this is not happening at the moment .

Unless they quadruple the rewards and toss some new tasks rewarding actual ship parts into the game, this whole thing will only drive even more players away from SC in the long run.

Anyway, it will be interesting to see, what impact those new destroyers are going to have on PvP after all of them were made available ingame.

I’m pretty sure there will be enough resources to craft at least one destroyer of rank14, just like there was for rank8 and 11. These ships now are far to valuable just to leave them as they are, plus special modifiers/modules/special modules etc etc.

The event last until new year.

It also gives berylium and neodium, more then enough to craft easily one r11 destroyer (and have some remaining). 

And even if it gave only 5 per day (+3/5/8 per day with A.Gage) you’d be able to craft one r14 for free before the event end.


So where the hell is the problem ?

The fact that you want the fed, but before November you won’t have enough ? They’ll come back later. Keep your resources and enjoy free r14 Fed.


I see no reason to complain here. Just free stuff. Enjoy

You should have been not listening in math when you were young maybe ?

“_ When there be an opportunity to craft r14 destroyer ever again in the future - is unknown. _”

So, where is this official statement indicating, that the destroyers will get their comeback?

Since there is only a limited time window to get each destroyer, every “phase” of this “event” should actually provide the players with enough resources for the current destroyer…

I mean, where would be the problem with that?

All 3 of the Destroyers should remain so that at least enough materials to craft  1 of them  have been given out. As it is right now there won’t be enough materials to make Sirius before it’s too late.

25 minutes ago, TheDerpNukem said:

All 3 of the Destroyers should remain so that at least enough materials to craft  1 of them  have been given out. As it is right now there won’t be enough materials to make Sirius before it’s too late.

Unless the rewards are quadrupled over the last 13 days

Still, you guys are complaining about something free. 


Sure we won’t be able to craft Sirius for free because we’ll sit at around 350/720 at the end of October. 


Okey, you can’t get it. But the event will still give one r14 destroyer for free.

So no, there’s no reason to complain about free stuff. 

Learn commercial strategy please and you’ll understand.

So what if they make money of it ?

It’s still free stuff. You want them to give you the 3 for free ?


The event is meant to give you one free r14 destroyer, and it does. 

If it last for 2 other months, you’ll even have too much. 


And if you siruisly want that sirius, then wait until it comes back. Because it will. There’s no way they made these ships just to totally erase them from the game. They aren’t that stupid.

So they will come back.

They wouldn’t be fully erased anyway as you need all the files so that if someone pops in with one, the game can show it :stuck_out_tongue: Maybe if they bring back the opportunity to craft it at new year


Sometimes people just want to hate regardless… 


Really the only problem I have is that they are dropping one and releasing another. No time for comparison.

4 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:


Really the only problem I have is that they are dropping one and releasing another. No time for comparison.

Yup that’s the only sad thing. And even like that, it’s free anyway so even if it was “Empire or nothing” I’d still take it.  ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

Anyway, as always : Wait and see.

It’s not like we have the final decision anyway. I think peoples complained enough already.

Then let’s just stop dancing around and say it clearly, the game has stepped into the pay to win area now. And there is no “hate” here, but some people just want to interpret “hate” into any game critique.

And it’s not about supporting the game either, i have over a year of licence days on my account left. If that is not enough support for them, then i’m sorry, but it doesn’t matter how hard they push the lottery containers, i’m not going to buy into those again. I made that mistake once while working on the R8 destroyer, and i’m not going to repeat it. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

But sure, let’s just sit back and watch how this turns out in the long run.

As long as they don’t start messing around with the difficulty on the PvE missions to “balance” those R14 and/or R15 destroyer into the game, i have no problem with this whole thing. I’m going to get Sibyl for sure, and if i’m not going to make enough resources for the R14 Jericho destroyer in time, then i will just keep any resource i get, and then wait for that rumoured R15 Alien destroyer at the end of this year.

Anyway, i’m not going to lose any sleep about this, we will see, if everyone else is going to feel the same way about this at the end of this year.

1 hour ago, Ironquest said:

Then let’s just stop dancing around and say it clearly, the game has stepped into the pay to win area now. And there is no “hate” here, but some people just want to interpret “hate” into any game critique.

What kind of “pay 2 win” are you talking about? You will have opportunity to craft at least 1 R14 destroyer not spending a dime. R11 destroyer event was similar - it was giving you enough destroyer materials to craft one of three. As for adjusting PvE for them - I don’t think that’s needed. They are not much different from R11s to make any serious impact on PvE outcome. Based on previous years experience I can speculate that they will be gone for some time and will return few months later. 

14 hours ago, HBZK100 said:

Now that I’ve thought about it more, it does make some sense to lock rank 14 ships out for select periods of time. It makes them more valuable and encourages players to play the game more often.

This is it. By the way, we increased rewards for Broker tasks - it’s 15 Electrum every day from now. And tomorrow there will be Electrum even in loot! Can be found on ranks 9, 12 and 14 ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)