Procyon or Invincible?

After chating in game about destroyers, I’ve been finding out that a lot of people don’t like the Invincible. And that it’s one of the worst destroyers in the game. Is this true? (Because it’s hull can easily get hit)

If so, how is the procyon? And how would I build it?

Don’t ask random dimwits anything in general chat, each destroyer has a role to fulfill on the battlefield, all you have to do is figure it out which one is yours. Do you like sheer tank and firepower, agility and tactical maneuvers/speed or are you the backseat shooter playing it safe.

My personal opinion, my first destro was the invincible, it was fun, charging in, shooting people, general panic, some kills and sometimes you can survive several of those master blaster moments. I have all 3 r8 destros and all 3 are fun in their own way and have their own way of playing. Nobody can teach you that so you have to figure it out on your own.

Procyon. Everyone will vouch for the Invincible but the fact is that as soon as your shield goes down you are toast. Actually when pared against the other destroyers the Invincible is the worst.

procyon is the fastest, invincible support placement can be inconvenient but in my opinion looks much cooler.  I’ve had both. Disassembled invincible for procyon. Have r11 or r14 empire in mind for the future, though but it really depends.

Ok now i’m confused.

20 minutes ago, HBZK100 said:

Ok now i’m confused.

What is your playstyle, what do you want to achieve having a destro in your hangar?

14 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

What is your playstyle, what do you want to achieve having a destro in your hangar?

Blow stuff up! ROFL.

Well I’ve been with the empire for the longest, I do prefer on my fighters having better hull and have gotten good at that. But, on heavier stuff like frigates, I prefer better shields.

Is the invincible good with it’s extra solid state shields aswell? (the ones in the missile bay?)

All in all, I think my playstyle would work better with Invincible. But if having shields is that important, I’ll just get the feds destroyer.

More information that I hope helps:

I’ve been playing both the empire and federations engineers and out of both, I’m liking the empires engineer better. While speed is nice, I’ve been noticing I don’t really need it as much as I would perfer for a fed frigate.

I hope this helps with destroyer choosing.


EDIT: One reason why I like my empire ships is because I build them around a good chunk of passive and active hull regeneration, especially on my fighters. Is this possible on Invincible?

Go for the invincible if you want total carnage, it’s rank 8, theres not much u can do with just 6 module slots. Also, forget having shields on it, it helps.

Invincible. Not even a question.

47 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

Go for the invincible if you want total carnage, it’s rank 8, theres not much u can do with just 6 module slots. Also, forget having shields on it, it helps.

regardless of which, two or three cpu slots for proton walls are a great way to troll ecm’s. all of them do so much damage and have so many hitpoints anyway you can easily outkill non destroyers in most situations.

Thanks! I still have two weeks before i get all the parts. so I still have time to choose…

So for a good Invincible build, what would be good? I’m thinking on focusing more on firepower, two CPUs and two engine modules (compensate for slowness) and no shield module. Or do two CPU two Hull slots.

I’m just thinking aloud…


Or should I up shield capacity to compensate for that? Just looked at stats right now and stock Invincible has less shield RP THAN a GUARD frigate!


You can refactor the passive modules if you change your mind. So basically you are open to experimentation (it cost credits). Because all depend on your playstyle. I have 3 cpu slots and 3 hull slots on my invincible, but this configuration lacks energy when I depend on static barriers so i can use active modules.

9 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Everyone will vouch for the Invincible but the fact is that as soon as your shield goes down you are toast. Actually when pared against the other destroyers the Invincible is the worst.

Lol, the amount of dmg you can take is like 5% with shields and 95% with hulls. Shields are non existant, losing them in PVP only indicate someone is firing at you. For PVE you may maintain shields for long periods, but thats because you are barely taking any dmg. Also losing modules aint as terrible as for other destroyers…and its not like you lose modules upon 2 secs of fire when you are out of shields.

1 hour ago, HBZK100 said:

Thanks! I still have two weeks before i get all the parts. so I still have time to choose…

So for a good Invincible build, what would be good? I’m thinking on focusing more on firepower, two CPUs and two engine modules (compensate for slowness) and no shield module. Or do two CPU two Hull slots.

I’m just thinking aloud…


Or should I up shield capacity to compensate for that? Just looked at stats right now and stock Invincible has less shield RP THAN a GUARD frigate!

Empire dont care about shields, never (not in the tank way). The only moment you could give a good use to the shield slot is by placing compact shield generator…and maybe submatter shield. For invincible you should go for whats most necessary: first 3 hull slots for tank, theres your life. 2nd a cap slot with voltage regulator (that along with the synergy regen bonus will make your energy okeish. But far from free to spam AB). Then you need 1 CPU for build flexibility: electronic guidance for meson, infrared/horizon for coilgun, horizon for (spec ops) halo, proton wall if those ECMs are really screwing you. Lastly you have a slot to spare: engine (shared cooler would be the best choice, but only good for halo, and you can use supercooled for halo…so no big bonus here), cap (a heatsink to boost dps) or CPU (infrared/horizon/proton wall/…or enhanced scanner if you suck :D). My invincible is: 0 1 0 3 2.

EDIT: a vernier wont make much difference in invincible (i started with that, then removed it) and any speed bonus is simply a waste into that ship, there are other characteristics you can boost and get much better results with it. If you are concerned about speed then you should make procyon. You sayed you liked shield regen on frigates…maybe you should consider building archon (if you dont have it)

The easiest explanation, 3 hull slots for hitpoints, and the other 3 u need to figure out on your own, do you want more crit damage, less CC, range, spread, that would require cpu slots, but u also need some reactor slots because ull run out of energy when spamming a lot, so one capacitor slot is an optional but must have kinda pick anyway.

Edit: forget shields and engines, you cant compensate the lack of maneuverability and shields effectively with just 6 passive slots to choose from 

Thank you all! Very informative!

I thought when you manufactured a ship, it was done. You can’t go back and remodify it.

So if I was to do a Procyon build, what would be best? Just trying to get ideas on what I would like best.

After you craft a ship you can “Refit” it , aka change passive slot layout and chose different Synergy level bonuses and chose a special module again, it will requer only credits, but you can not salvage a ship to get materials back.

6 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

but u also need some reactor slots because ull run out of energy when spamming a lot, so one capacitor slot is an optional but must have kinda pick anyway.

In PVP you wont be able to keep static shields up and use other modules without a voltage regulator (even with it you will have a hard time managing energy), and keeping those shields up will make you win in a 1vs1 against another destroyer (if you do the other things decently xD).

I dont use static shields, i just GO, spam everything and go back tell my friends how awesome it was to go Rambo on the enemy ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) hahahaha

17 hours ago, Battlecruiser_NA said:

procyon is the fastest, invincible support placement can be inconvenient but in my opinion looks much cooler.  I’ve had both. Disassembled invincible for procyon. Have r11 or r14 empire in mind for the future, though but it really depends.

how can i Disassembled the invincible ? it is possible to Disassembled it and build a archon from the invincible parts ?