They had a good idea: match a squad with a ±1 size squad. That was GOOD.
To be sexy and quote myself a bit.
I realized that idea was not just GOOD, it was AWESOME. Why?
Because people were not afraid of doing 2 man squads, it was the same as queuing alone. 2 man play was WILDLY encouraged. That means that 3 man squads were easily finding a 2 man squad to play against. So they were encouraged to play in 3 man teams also. And THAT made it easy for 4 man squads to find a game, because there were so many 3 player wings out there, encouraged by the 2 man teams out there. It’s like a chain of freaking love and HEAVENLY matchmaking.
And also, not unbalanced. As long as you had an equal number of squads in each team. You were supposed to fix only that.
It was pure Genius!
Please, an admin, Error, Funky, someone, sticky this somewhere, make the devs aware of this chain of awesomeness.
Having multiple Squads on one side, none at the other is one thing.
Having to wait even with 2 players now for 10 minutes sometimes… without even really having balanced matches that way, seems like the complete misunderstanding, what the problem was.
Star Conflict is pew pew pew random battles. With leaderboards giving incentive to negative gaming behaviour you guys should already know this is all planned.
SCon is Farmville in space.
Soon you won’t have to even shoot people to complete contracts. Just launch into a game and click on an enemy ship or beacon to collect your vouchers after enough time has passed.
Duo - counted + AND -, resulting in 2v3 (OK),2v2, but also 2v1(Bad). Resulting in mutation of 2+2+2+2 vs 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 instead of 2+2+1+1+1+1 vs 2+2+1+1+1+1
I think the only problem was not what counted for what, since due to lack of player base you cannot ever perfectly balance the numbers of squad members to be equal, the real problem was (very often seen)
2 squads on one side, no squad on the other
Seeing 2x2man vs 4 solo players in T4 was a very common sight (I think we spent one whole evening flying against kaiju about ~5 games in a row and almost every time he had no squads on his side but he had 1 or 2). Must be something with the SR calculations but even than it doesn’t make sense, sometimes you never get certain players on your side. Maybe MM should randomize a little bit more, the code seems very stiff. And I just want kaiju on my side for a bit.
I think the only problem was not what counted for what, since due to lack of player base you cannot ever perfectly balance the numbers of squad members to be equal, the real problem was (very often seen)
TBH most of the matches i had with my team with 0 squads vs 3 small squads in the other team, they were quite ok, i actually won most of those matches. But the picture looks bad when you have 3 squads vs 0 squads. So just return the previous matchmaker, with an extra “IF” in the code to split the number of squads.
But, in small populations and small games, the MM must be dynamic enough to properly and accurately match squads with randoms, by taking into consideration there stats, metrics, and other data.