Premium Ships

Don’t know if this belongs in this sub or not, but just a suggestion.


Just like how you are allowed to change your name once, then you have to use GS to change it again, can we do something about trading in Premium Ships you care not to own anymore?


Now hear me out, I’m not asking that we be allowed to do this even more than once, but say you thought a ship really fit your play style in a certain tier, but then you find out as you progress to higher tiers, they aren’t for you? Better yet, say you bought a ship on a drunken night thinking it was something else! Honestly, whatever the reason, I feel we should be allowed to sell 1 ship back (albeit with a penalty of course, just like the SP Projects). I just think it would be nice to get rid of a ship you don’t want anymore and have an opportunity to grab something else.

This is pretty equal to a testing mode for ships. Such suggestions are known, but currently there are no plans to add them in the near future.

This is pretty equal to a testing mode for ships. Such suggestions are known, but currently there are no plans to add them in the near future.



Better yet, say you bought a ship on a drunken night thinking it was something else! Honestly, whatever the reason

For these cases. we have Gaijin Support.