Premium ships lowers matchmaking rating

“Working as intended” means its a bug.  :facepalm:

It’s not a bug.

It should be a bug. Devs keep claiming this game is not pay to win. Pay to win ships gets a very noticeable advantage in matchmaking, to the point where (up until recently) it was impossible for non-premium squads to compete with premium squads.


Ergo, it’s a bug. That or the Devs are lying about their intentions.

It should be a bug. Devs keep claiming this game is not pay to win. Pay to win ships gets a very noticeable advantage in matchmaking, to the point where (up until recently) it was impossible for non-premium squads to compete with premium squads.


Ergo, it’s a bug. That or the Devs are lying about their intentions.

software bug  is an error, flaw, failure, or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways


Premium ships were always this way since matchmaking was reworked into separate MM queues and tiers were unlocked, it was originally designed with an overlook on a Aces that get in the game by buying DLCs and starting flying from T3, while i disagree with the route they took on lowering MM rank for prem ships (i would have rather used total battles/wins and such) it is what it is and it is NOT a bug. Design flaw? sure - but not a bug.

i would have rather used total battles/wins and such

I would have used the current synergy level on the premium ship.  It would introduce a P2W aspect to synergy transfers, but that’s a trivial P2W capability.


And yes, it was an abuse of the system for four man squads.  It’s no different than players using anything else OP.  Find what’s OP, and exploit it.  That’s how the game’s balanced.

I would have used the current synergy level on the premium ship.

That won’t get you far since they come fully synergized. :wink: